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‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’ ‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’

Fourteen experts on the roots of Kevin McCarthy’s ouster and why Republicans keep destroying their own leaders.

‘What Is Broken in American Politics Is the Republican Party’

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  • ....and the so-called Democratic Party

    • They function. Maybe not the way many would like. Republicans simply don't. And worse, Republicans campaign on their malfunction.

      • Are you kidding? Have you see how many subsidies are given to corporations? And tax custs to the rich?

        Seems like they both function very well to serve the interests of the plutocrats that run both parties.

        • You just disproved your own point. Regardless disingenuous critique like yours isn't fooling anyone. Well, maybe yourself. But no one else.

          • My point is that both parties are the same and terrible

            • Then your point is wrong and baseless. Yes both parties have their problems. As a socialist I'm not going to defend them when they don't deserve it. But as someone who's in touch with reality I'm not going to pretend they're the same either. 1980 really terrified the Democrats. And made them timid to do a little more than go along with what the fascist wanted mostly. They're slowly breaking away from that. But people like yourself certainly are not the solution to the problem.