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Steam Next Fest, what demo's are you playing?

The Steam Next Fest has started for the next 6 days you get to play demo's of unreleased games. What games are you playing or planning to play?

I'm personally interested in

Wizard with a gun: A top down shooter with crafting and co-op.

Rouge Voltage: An automation card battler? Very interesting mix of genres, hopefully the automation is fun.

Rouge Command: A simple looking RTS rougelike.


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  • Everyone should try the SteamWorld Build demo, it's super fun. It's a pretty relaxed settlement builder / city management game set in the same universe as the SteamWorld Dig games, with a focus on synergising and exploration rather than on spinning plates to balance resources like you see in more hardcore city management games.

    • Oh, thanks for bringing this to my attention! My problem with city building games is usually just that, too stressful. I don't mind being attacked every once in a while, for example, but if being slightly unprepared to deal with an attack means total failure, then I tend to go play something else...

      • Yeah I'm much the same lmao. The other thing I struggle with is when your resources get too low and workers start dying/leaving/whatever so that it becomes even harder to get the resources you need! SteamWorld Build avoids this - instead of punishing you for not having resources, instead it just rewards you for having excess resources, so for example the citizens will work faster if you have excess resources but if you don't then they still work at the default speed.

        • Yeah, that's why I struggle to enjoy games like Civilization. I feel like one bad move on turn 5 may mean defeat, but I'll only find out on move 100.

      • Oh also, another one to check out is a game called Bulwark: Falconeer Chronicles. It's a really cool twist on the settlement game where you don't deal with resources in numbers, instead the resources can only travel a certain distance away from the harvesting location. It's also got a cool system where you switch between building mode and an exploration mode where you can fly an airship around and discover new locations / new resources / events with other factions.

        • I'll check it out!

          EDIT: Looks really interesting, actually!