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Daily Discussion Thread: Tue 26 Sep 2023

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  • Two more SERIOUS PANIC!!! situations arose today with the phone just in the last hour - but within half an hour they were both resolved, and I can only think that maybe someone has been sending me blessings and putting in a good word for me with the universe.


    Firstly, just as I was walking to the chemist my entire body sank like a stone when I remembered my stimulant prescription was an e-prescription AND I DIDN'T BACK UP MY TEXTS PROPERLY. Cue panic and desperation as my prescriber is on holiday for 2 more weeks and I only have enough meds to last me for one. I'm thinking - I am SUCH an idiot, this means more hours of troubleshooting to figure out how to get those messages over... but then I had the most wonderful person at my chemist who was in fact able to find a way to access all my e-prescriptions by accessing some safe list thing! She could've very easily fobbed me off but no...

    And secondly - as I was out panicking I realised mobile data wasn't working on my phone for some reason - thought alright, there's another bloody headache... came home, swapped the sim card to a different slot and that was all there was to it. Crisis! Averted!

    Chilling out with some Good Omens s2 with piles of dinner before I have a good shower and finish packing. I am really enjoying this season even more than the first, not just because of all that Jon Hamm...

    • Would loooove to take undeserved credit for this, but can't. I am technologically maladapted to the modern computerised lifestyle and cannot offer assistance in such matters. As befits my boomer status. But I am delighted that it all worked out in the end.

      • Ooh, I had to put this in a separate comment because it was so perfectly serendipitous there HAS to be something else going on.


        So I've renewed the search for my missing compact travel headphones for weeks, v frustrated as I need them badly when travelling on PT/plane - including tomorrow. Surely I haven't lost THAT? How many things can I mess up?

        Dejected, I chucked my large unwieldy studio monitors in my bag, with the 1m long cable. On with the evening... was giving all the plants a pre-trip water but went a bit overboard with the ones in the study - sound of dripping water on the cupboard shelves five minutes later; oh no... Hastily move aside a dusty pile of stuff so it doesn't get wet. Way to go, me.

        And then... I JUST happen to feel something cold and hard at the edge of the pile - what's this? A headphone connector! My beloved Audio-Technicas, this is how I was meant to find you after not seeing you for over a year!!

        • The universe has clearly decided to give you a break. Which is very nice of it. Does happen sometimes.

      • I'm going to believe that you smiled at a spring flower in just the right way to get the stars aligned. It really could've gone tits up but it all turned out okay.

        Now I'm not going to update my phone for another 7 years...