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Early Access: Become a tester for Boost for Lemmy and share your feedback 🚀

Hi Boost gang,

The first version of Boost for Lemmy is almost ready. If you want to test the app for bugs and give feedback before the app is published, follow this link to enable an early access option on the Boost for Lemmy Play Store listing.

Thanks for your patience!


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  • Is this app going to be open source? Because I had a bad experience with another Lemmy app recently stuffed full of trackers that I really don't want to repeat.

    Edit: never mind, I just saw in another thread that it's not, so it's not for me.

    • Which app is that? So we know to avoid it.

      • Summit.

        • Got it. I've been eyeing Summit but never pulled the trigger on trying it. I'll just leave it on the nope list for now.

          • It was my own stupid fault for installing it - I saw the GitHub link, and assumed it must be open source so I just went straight to the Releases page and installed it. Its only when my DDG App Tracking Protection started blocking literally hundreds of calls to trackers and Firebase that I went back to GitHub and saw that the guy's simply using it to host the apk, there's no source code there at all. Lesson learned.