I got permabanned, after 11+ years, for expressing my hatred of Russians. Guess they're a "protected class" now? LOL, nah. They're just paying the bills and funding the bots.
Reddit's a cesspool of loud-mouthed children, bots and the "politically correct" at all costs. And somehow, I'm not liberal enough. Go figure.
That's just racism??? Having this horrible hate for a whole class of people due to the region they hale from is sad. It's like saying "I hate north Koreans" they are just the victims of an awful regime. Hate the gov not the people idk what's hard to understand. I'm sure whatever country you come from has had a history of some kind of colonialism or other atrocities
Russians sure have been poor, poor "victims" for an awful long time. When I was a child, they threatened the entire planet with nuclear holocaust. But you weren't around then, were ya kid?
These poor victimized people have had 100+ years to get their shit together. And yet their evil continues to poison our planet. Give 'em another 100 years maybe? Perhaps at some point they'll pull their collective head out of their collective asses?
Hate the gov
The government they stand behind, over and over again? Decade after decade after decade? No matter the atrocities?
Russia should be stomped fucking FLAT. Just like the world did to Germany after they started the two most heinous wars in human history. Germany learned the notion of FAFO. Time for Russia.
Pull your head out of your ass. Russians are, and have been, the enemy of the world for 100 years. They're not going to change and they'll accept your compassion and laugh behind your back.
But hey? Maybe I'm wrong? Maybe we should try and make friends with vile gangsters? I'm sure their heart is in the right place.
i mean, race is a made up concept about origin. you are treating a person differently because of their origin, isnt your example kinda textbook definition?
I'm going to leave these comments up I think but I just wanted to chime in and say expressing hate for any group based on their location of birth, race, ethnicity, age, religion, etc. isn't okay here and will also get you booted.
Reddit is about as Politically Correct as a KKK/Neo-Nazi meeting in Alabama. The amount of racist garbage that's spawned from that website is insane, especially when so many who use reddit claim otherwise even though it's all out there in the open, mods don't even ban half the racist comments
I mean we're talking about a user base that actually got upset with people wanting less racism on reddit and threw such a fit that they got a poor girl fired who was in charge