Keep is an excellent note-taking app — hey Google, please don’t kill it.
Google’s excellent and neglected note-taking app is getting some much-needed formatting options and overall love. Here’s hoping it’s not the last time.
I've been wondering if it could be accomplished using ignore patterns in Syncthing to only share a specific Obsidian folder/directory and put everything shared in there. Yet, this may probably be too much friction for a grocery list and Keep will work fine while it lasts.
I use both. Keep is way faster to create simple notes. Additionally, it has web gui, and nice features like voice notes and text extraction.
BTW, Obsidian requires a subscription if used for topics related to you work.
I created a in obsidian and point markor too it. This allows me to very quickly open that note in Markor, copy and paste from apps directly into that file. Then later I can decide to flesh them out in obsidian.
I've been using one note at work and it's actually pretty good and allows easy cross compatible sharing with colleagues.