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(nsfw) realizing that picking between "penis" and "vulva" isn't really trans-inclusive

to preface: as much as the title sounds like a critique, it's not. it's just a realization i had while thinking about baldur's gate 3, and it's good they provided the options they did, for me to have this realization in the first place

i'm a transgender man, and i've been on hrt for several years, i haven't had bottom surgery, and i'm intimately familiar with the effects testosterone has on a vulva. i've also been in trans femme circles long enough to know how estrogen affects a penis (if you are unfamiliar, you can read about each at and

and it's really weird to realize that most people cannot visualize what i have going on in my pants. a cis woman's vulva is fundamentally not accurate (which is basically what's presented as your option). for me, obviously; for some trans masc people, it is accurate

i don't know how trans femme people feel, but i could see the argument for them going either way. i'd like to hear what you think, if you feel represented by feminine body shapes with a penis selected as your genitals

and also, it would be interesting to see bottom surgery options represented. even if that's just the same models but with the "is this from surgery" option ticked or something

finally. my concluding thoughts are that i'd really like to see how big a half-orc's tdick gets (presuming that half-orcs are subject to the same sex hormones humans are and/or that they can substitute their hormones similarly. i mean that's it's own can of worms there)

i know i'm not ending off on any kind of a question but i wanted to share my feelings about this with people and hear how this made others feel, as well


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  • If I understand you correctly, what you're suggesting would require programming in an entire system for trans bodies, a bunch more 3d models to make and to integrate into that system, as well as many small changes all over the rest of the game to make it all work.

    Don't get me wrong, I think that would be amazing and I too would like to see it, I don't think it's gonna be worth the investment for AAA games made for profit. Hell, I haven't seen a system like that in explicitly adult games, and games like that would actually use that system.

    • They provided multiple vulvas and multiple penises to choose from already. Would it cost more to model an additional few? Yes. But it wouldn't require an entirely new system or significant programming. You could add them to the list of selectable options.

      • I originally thought it was about deeper levels of customization that more realistiaclly portrayed trans bodies, which would be imo complicated. But you are absolutely right that just another variant of already existing selection would be reletively trivial.

    • i like the way you think. i was just thinking they could throw in a "androgenized vulva" and "estrogenized penis" models and call it a day. their options (in bg3) hardly represent the spectrum of possibilities even for cis people, and a couple models aren't that much investment

      BUT, what you suggested is much better. and i bet it could leverage existing technology we already have for resizing / interpolating facial features (with some adaptation). it's definitely tech companies are investing in already

      no, i think the cost actually isn't that high, but i think the stigma (genitals lol) and lack of awareness are the bigger hurdles around it

      • Well if we're talking about something more than just more options in a selector, then it can be as complicated as dev wants it to be. A separate 3d model or some adjustments to an existing one if you select a trans option in character creator would not be that hard. But it's still time and effort of programmers and modellers and we know how much studios like to overwork and underpay them. I guess my point wasn't that it's too hard, but rather that it's too hard to be deemed important by the money people.

        Personally I think there can be actually artistic value in this. Character customisation can be a way to worldbuild before the game even started. BG3 is fantasy, so maybe there is magic or rituals used by trans people to get the bodies they want. Maybe the rituals leave a mark, so a trans fem would have scars from that ritual. What if some trans people got there by making deals with fey so a trans masc might have a chest they traded from a fey prince.

        Or imagine if cyberpunk2077 was actually good and had done something with this. Transhumanism is a big thing in cyberpunk genre, and there is already borgware in the ttrpg, why not make nsfw borgware? If I can replace all my limbs with katanas I can make THAT katana cybernetic too.