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Daily Discussion Thread: Thu 27 Jul 2023

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  • 'I mean,' she said, 'that one can't help growing older.'

    'One can't, perhaps,' said Humpty Dumpty; 'but two can. With proper assistance, you might have left off at seven.'

    if only, one can dream

    • I think some people just have an old mindset. Not open to fun or play or new experience. Two people with a fun, playful and adventurous mindset will help keep each other young at heart. but sadly the body doesn't follow

      • TW I suppose

        I am not entirely sure why or how I survived being 7, or 12, 13, 15, 16 or 18 to 26, to be completely honest. If it wasn't for a random night in Oct 2018, I wouldn't be here. Probably explains why I am an actual fucking weirdo who cannot keep friends hahah ugh

        If it wasn't for mein liebe giving me the confidence and freedom to discover who I am. Two people and one friend can make all the difference between a headstone and a beer, ranting on the PC lol.


        I have just always loved that quote from Through The Looking Glass, it's quite dark yet humourous haha

    • One of my favourite books, don’t think I would have stopped at seven though, maybe about ten? I could do without the adult responsibilities for a while.