Hubo un tiempo en que los foros de discusión eran nuestras redes sociales. Los usuarios visitaban aquellos que se ajustaban a cierta temática y eso les...
What are we going to do about it?
Sorry for the Google Translate Link. An easy alternative is much appreciated.
It has been my experience that, yes, the user experience of DuckDuckGo is far superior to that of Google, but, DuckDuckGo doesn’t always provide the precise results. I’m looking for. I can still get the information, but it takes a little bit more work.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not shilling for Google. Their search engine has definitely gone to shit in the last 5 to 8 years. But DuckDuckGo simply doesn’t have the incredible precision that Google can if it’s properly used.
I've been using it for what seems like forever, but getting fewer and fewer relevant results over time for some reason. Switching to &udm=14 has been helpful, but I'm still uncertain about it:
I'm with OP. People have been screaming this for ages, and the collective societal reaction hasn't even been apathy, but "We vote for Big Tech CEOs, full steam ahead."
So… Yeah, I'm tired, too. Screw it all. Let the internet burn in Reddit/Discord/SEO hell. Maybe we can build something from the ashes.
Maybe Europe and China will “isolate” themselves from much of the burning. I hope they do. But the rest of the world seems quite entrenched in Big Tech.
Maybe burning quickly is better, since more people will notice.
I'm tired of articles that just act like nothing else exists or has existed. It's just so dishonest and not very intellectual. Right, Reddit and Discord, that's all we have now right? Forget Facebook, Xanga, MySpace, Skype, the Messengers, IRC, ICQ, Twitter, WhatsApp, Kik, Telegram, Signal .etc it goes on and on.