KPMG, Deloitte and Mc Kinsey, for reasons that include at times being both financial auditor and bookkeeping at the same time, and consultancy meaning reducing headcount no matter the cost.
I don't really know all that much about it honestly but all I've heard of them, is that they get the smartest people to do the worst thing that they can get away with.
Mc Kinsey are the guys who invented and popularised the idea of executive bonuses for short term company performance and the idea of layoffs to temporarily make those companies look like they're doing better. They've also consulted for all of the most evil companies in this thread while they were doing their most evil shit. They constantly do the most courpt stuff imaginable. Often their advice creates massive problems which they will then sell their services to the people cleaning up their mess.
They've consulted for hostile nations while being paid by the US government to give advice on how to deal with those hostile governments.