LOL the western propaganda press suddenly quit reporting about that 'Russian influence' lie when it was proven it was the Romanian liberals who did it.
You should keep up with the lies you parrot.
Oh hey, weird how this wasn't a problem until Georgescu started running. He was in Romanian politics and even in the government for a long time last I checked, so clearly Romanian regime didn't have a problem with fascist groups before. And all of a sudden they started caring when it became convenient for them. Seems to me that it's not fascism that's the problem for them.
Yes, I fully agree that the government tolerated these fringe groups for too long. There is no excuse for that. They suddenly gained visibility recently, and part of the group of actors involved in that rise in notoriety is Moscow.
Fully agree, sadly Romania has nothing anywhere near anything resembling socialism, corruption is rampant with or without fascists taking center stage. If it's not American bootlickers in power, it's so called "suveranists" who would bend over backwards for anyone giving them an edge in local politics.
This is a conversation that went into a different direction and is in no way related to the RT article.
If someone uses RFE, VOA or any other one of those pure propaganda tools that as a source I certainly am going to question them.
There is no reason why I shouldn't.
Definitely question the source. Even after writing I realized RT is more akin to hollywood propaganda than RFE. On the best of days could we compare RT to AP, I guess.
That leaves my other point standing. I understand we are all people and are emotional about such matters, but you countered the Romanian source with a jab, then drove the point home by attacking their state of mind. An emotional, triggering response to a friggin link. Deepening divide, operating with shame.
Why do you use these tools of shaming when plain truth is on your side? Why did you not go through the romanian sources with a trusted translator service and reply with glaring problems instead of questioning their sobriety?
I'm supposed to read Romanian now? Did you have too many Ursus or palinka? The only one not in Romanian is the garbage and biased western source AP.
Even that says: "suspected of" and "allegedly".
The normal tactics to throw accusations WITHOUT any PROOF.
When you're going to make claims you need proof, not this BS.
This is just made up shit to justify their illegal actions of not honoring the election result by the US puppets.
And there certainly isn't an 'admission'
Hi, sorry to butt in on this thread, but this part almost feels malicious:
I'm supposed to read Romanian now?
Especially in an age of automatic translation, this sentence just broadcasts ill intent. While you cannot know what allegances that specific Romanian outlet has, it feels strangely biased you doing all this under a Russia Today article. Also those jabs, man. 'Did you drink too much?'
Yes, you are supposed to read Romanian if you're arguing with a Romanian about events happening in their own country.
The made up shit I see so far in this thread is handwaving dismissal of sources without any back up whatsoever. What sources do you present that contradicts what I claimed so far, aside from laughing at sources dismissively?
That is how you reason and make an argument.
Now admit it was the liberals, that they shamelessly blamed the Russians and your vasal state illegaly corrupted the elections.
The proof you provided, I never denied. I am painfully well aware of the liberal psy-op.
My claim: Kremlin agents supported a fascist nationalist group (that also consider Georgescu the real president) called "Vlad Tepes" in a plan to overthrow the government. This is still not refuted by anyone. The only sources I found in English you dismissed out of hand, while the investigation in Romania is still ongoing.
. This is still not refuted by anyone. The only sources
We certainly are talking past eachother.
There is no use if you take claims, allegations and suspicions, which is the only thing your article provides as a source.
Speculations and proof are not the same.
Nobody needs to answer to baseless accusations, certainly not believe them.
When that investigation is still going on you certainly can not say anything is proof.
Kremlin agents supported a fascist nationalist group (that also consider Georgescu the real president) called “Vlad Tepes” in a plan to overthrow the government
I'm sorry but that sounds like a wild made up conspiracy theory.
The same tactics they tried with the Trump-Steele dossier, also based on nothing, with the only purpose to slander him as a Russian asset, even more ridiculous than your claim.
These tactics unfortunately work sometimes.
You should learn to be carefull and investigate everything and find sources for everything.
I will end it here.
I hope you don't get a fascist, and certainly not a US puppet as is the case now.
The US regime is planning to build a huge base there and if you're not careful you might be played by them and thrown to the lions.
They are not there to help you or protect you despite what they say.
I have Romanian friends, very nice people.
The country and food is nice too.
Don't want to see it destroyed for the benefit of these assholes.
Thanks for listening, and dissagreeing without arguing or insults.
Have a good night.
Once the investigation comes to a close, I hope you don't mind if I drop a more fact based source here, if I don't forget, and if one will exist in English.
From the current Romanian reports, some facts emerged that are no longer allegations, like the 2 Russian agents being kicked out of the country and the leaked conversations between them and leaders of the "Vlad Tepes" group, main reason for their expulsion.
Thank you for taking your time with this random thread, in any case. And for your willingness to meet me on middle ground. Truth needs to prevail.