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Can still hear the sound of them breaking it to get it out
47 0 Reply"You really shouldn't be awake for this" - the orthodontist crushing my sideways wisdom teeth with pliers so he can rip the shards out individually.
5 0 ReplyWe don't do general anesthesia for most things dental related here in NL. But after hearing the sound bounce around in my head I wish we did.
1 0 ReplyFuck me, my ex-wife told me she wasn’t put to sleep but thank god I was.
Then again I had 8 teeth broken off my jaw because so maybe I was a special case …
1 0 Reply
All four of my wisdom teeth were impacted, and it took around six hours for them to be removed. Thankfully, I was unconscious during the procedure.
13 0 ReplyOh this was a fast one, was back in the waiting room within 15m, 10 of which was waiting for the localised pain killer to kick in before starting.
7 0 Reply
Ah yes how I remember them chiseling my tooth out with a hammer. The surgeon I had was a bad ass.
5 0 Replythat's me atm. luckily they've stopped moving and I don't feel any pain but it's a breeding ground of the unfunny kind
5 0 Reply