"We don’t like the vaccinations, what they have these days. We heard too much, and we saw too much."
I want to know what he heard and saw about vaccines, and where he heard and saw it.
I think a lot of the issues in these extremely conservative communities is due to them being unable to rectify the contradictions between religious beliefs and the scientific method.
And I go to church and I'm fully onboard with science, including vaccinations. So it's not church that's the problem, but people being dumb, which neither faith nor atheism can fix.
This. This has nothing to do with them reading reputable and non reputable sources. The Mennonites are extremely obedient to whomever their local leaders are, up to and including uprooting and leaving if they decide another location just needs more people. Not using vaccines when a lot of these folks aren't allowed to use the internet is not that much of a stretch.
Meh not just the church, this dude probably gets all his news and science info third hand from Facebook groups fed with disinformation by recycled content from Russian bots
Seriously, what exactly do you think "religious faith" is, if not strongly believing in something despite lack of evidence (i.e., exactly the antithesis of the Scientific Method)?
I'm just saying, there's plenty of secular anti-vaxxers who just believe it because they saw it on Facebook and don't understand that anyone can post whatever nonsense they want on there without repercussions.