Documentation? Yer lookin' at it
This is a single-developer personal passion project. Support, response, updates, enhancements, bug fixes etc are as my free time allows
I have a full-time job, a life, and a finite attention span. Therefore a lot of time can potentially go by with no improvements of any kind
De-DRMing audible audio books and self hosting are not inextricably linked. I just wanted to repost it to make sure people saw it before diving in.
The origins of the phrase "here be dragons" is one of placing a warning of caution on an unexplored area of the map. It says nothing negative about the developer.
You don't really need much documentation. You set it up on windows once, which is pretty intuitive and then you copy the config to your server and run it headless. It pulls your library in fixed intervals. I haven't touched it once in the year it is running now