What is the name of the sexuality of being into the opposite gender and willing to date the same gender but not finding anyone of the same gender attractive?
Is that just bicurious? (I’m asking in general, not as myself because I’m bi for sure.)
I know people probably ask this a lot but I genuinely want to know now.
This is probably not at all what this person is like, but the way I read this made me picture someone desperate to prove that they’re cool and hip by being part of the LGBTQIA+ community. I have never heard of anyone like this, though I have heard of someone very European claiming to be native American for the street cred so I wouldn’t say no one would ever do the same with sexuality.
It's a thing. And like it's kinda awkward because sometimes these people actually are queer. It's a somewhat common experience for trans people and ace people to feel like we're queer before we figure out how.
But also you've got folks like the political lesbian movement, a thing that happened during the heyday of 2nd wave feminism where a bunch of straight and asexual women redefined lesbian as a rejection of men, began entering lesbian spaces and relationships and started getting really mad at us for "acting like men" [TL: expressing sexual attraction to women]