Look putting Musk's stupidity aside (and believe me, I'm absolutely livid as a former educational researcher), I need to get this unpopular opinion off my chest.
It's... actually kind of fucking funny to name an agency DOGE.
Hear me out! NPR today kept saying it over and over again with straght fucking faces (well, voices) and the whole god damned time I'm muttering to myself "it's a meme, it's a god damned meme". It's like if someone named an agency LOSS, I would fucking lose my shit. If this was any other timeline and a shitlord like Musk wasn't the one making the joke, it would be funny.
Anyway that's my guilty thought I wanted to share to you, random internet strangers. I hope in better times, President AOC has a SUS initiative or something. I just love reporters being forced to say this shit.
It seems this meme has avoided detection by referencing the old age of the meme to which it's posted in response. But with what could we respond to it? The same meme? Wouldn't that start a recursive loop? More research is required...
It'll also make it easier for future history students studying the last days of American hegemony to get a grasp on what's going on. They just need to be told "They were making government agencies based on memes" to get a decent idea of the mindset of the time.
It's like some eldritch horror that is just waiting to come back.
I imagine hundreds of years from now archeologists discover that same meme and start using it as a joke among themselves then it spreads back into the rest of society.
You caught some heat but you are 100% right. This is encapsulated every time I watch a house hearing clip and the reps say it over and over. The context of what they’re fighting is so infuriating, but just hearing these mostly out of touch old fucks who can’t comprehend technology saying it still almost evokes a grin.