If it was within my budget I would buy a used Tesla. They're pretty decent cars. The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
The idea that your car should communicate your values or identity is Bourgeois ideology that I fully reject.
There's a huge difference between just giving in to Amazon's convienience and using their platform, compared to supporting a company whose CEO is a literal nazi... HUGE difference
That's not to say that buying from Amazon is anyway ethical, but at least they aren't literal nazis
I mean I was talking about a used car sale, which doesn't financially contribute to the company. It bothers me that people object to simply owning a Tesla (not buying) to the point that they feel like they have to get rid of one they already have. This mentality speaks to a sickness of identity which ties ones indicators of belonging to a commercial brand. I am not even talking about consumer choices like whether to shop at Amazon. I am talking about publicly visible choices like clothing, cars, watches. To suggest that these should communicate ones political alignment or disalignment is to buy into the idea of brand as identity.
While I mostly agree, if you’re a wealthy celebrity, whose image is critical to your success, then yes. Make a statement.
My vehicle is what I found compelling at the time, regardless of the failings of the ceo. I have no public image to maintain, nor wealth to switch vehicles on Twitter time. I also don’t see why I should have to switch based on someone else’s protest. My vehicle is what it is, and I do really like it
Maybe, but who are you to mandate someone else’s choices? Each is a set of pros and cons, and different ones will resonate with different people. There is no objective better for a subjective choice. I could go down a list of places those other choices lag, and I’m sure you’ll dismiss them as unimportant. It’s fine that you find them unimportant but what gives you the right to dictate to anyone else?