Fifty states, one message: we see through the facade. Simultaneous protests coast-to-coast, and the propaganda machines are in stealth mode. Convenient, isn’t it? A nation erupts, and the so-called “free press” opts for strategic amnesia.
This isn’t apathy—it’s suppression. When every state rises up, the system panics. The Capitol steps become battlegrounds, yet the narrative is buried under celebrity gossip and stock market fluff. They’re scared. Scared of what happens when people realize that unity in dissent is their greatest weapon.
Keep marching. If they won’t cover it, we’ll document it ourselves. The truth doesn’t need their permission to exist.
Then we start picketing them, too. Right outside their media buildings, asking when they plan to grow a spine and start covering what’s happening. Add media companies to the places being protested and show what cowards they are.
How many news anchors are actually journalists? I get that they're the face of TV news, but most of them are just people with pretty faces who can read from a teleprompter in an engaging way. This doesn't excuse them from ignoring these issues any more than the producers or so many other people do.