Following arguments on the Linux kernel mailing list the past few days over some Linux kernel maintainers being against the notion of Rust code in the mainline Linux kernel and trying to avoid it and very passionate views over the Linux kernel development process, Asahi Linux lead developer Hector Martin has removed himself from being an upstream maintainer of the ARM Apple code.
How about you accept the fact that maybe the problem is you.
You think you know better. But the current process works.
It has problems, but problems are a fact of life. There is no perfect.
However, I will say that the social media brigading just makes me not
want to have anything at all to do with your approach.
Because if we have issues in the kernel development model, then social
media sure as hell isn't the solution. The same way it sure as hell
wasn't the solution to politics.
Technical patches and discussions matter. Social media brigading - no
than\k you.
I assume being the extreme level coder dev types that program logic all day start seeing life has black and white, and generally humans are not like that.