Y'know what this thread has made me realize? All the dumb memes of "the left fighting the left" are bullshit. I can respectfully debate other people on the left with me. I can change their minds about some things, they can change my mind on some things, we can come to compromises. I don't agree with the communist 100%, but I agree with them at least 70-80%, and would happily work alongside them to accomplish that 70-80%.
You know who loves infighting though? Centrists who have deluded themselves into thinking they are leftists. You can find comment after comment in this thread from right-leaning centrists, gleefully demanding that they were "right all along" and how everything is our fault for just not being as smart as them. There is no political group that loves infighting as much as them, even more than the fascists. They want to spend the next four years trying to find out all the ways they can assign blame to the left, instead of organizing and doing anything.
Yeah, "left-unity" has always been a red flag for me. Most of the time, when someone talks about "left-unity" they are usually either authoritarian leftists who will historically shoot you in the back, or liberals who expect you to always support them but refuse to compromise with people on their left.
Liberals thinking they are leftists refusing to realize they are actually conservatives in everything but brandng, but never having the dawn of enlightenment on that they are wrong, not the people who have been using the terms for centuries.
If the only thing that matters to you is going to the polls every 1-2 years, than non voters are meaningless.
If you want to transform society. Voting is only one vector. Unions, mutual aid, protest, consciousness raising, and so on don't have anything to do will polls, and non voters can be valuable allies.