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It's not "gone", but the notion of it being "acceptable" is gone:
Using 'retard' as a slur, not only for people with intellectual disabilities but also just for people or things you think were stupid.
Sadly that slur's starting to become in vogue again ⚰
I was gonna say the same. I saw the R word casually dropped in a CRT enthusiast group the other day and called the guy out, and a bunch of people stood with me, but nearly as many brushed it off as no big deal.
Worst part ? Seen LEFTISTS say it wen clearly they should know better ❗❗ And in my experience see it on tumblr more than any where else
Oar wat about "sch⬛⬛⬛" ⁉️⁉️ Wen we'll ever move past describing (peop|thing)s using ableist words
I have no idea what word you're redacting there. "School"?
I'll update my slurs list. That's an entirely new one on me.
Another person with a slurs list?!
I keep mine in a little book in my font pocket so its close to my heart.
Might need to go digital soon, its almost full.
I have to keep track of the ever-changing landscape of what offends people this week.