As it turns out, the mods in the Reddit community are supporting bigots by shutting down posts that are trans positive:
A reddit user posted screenshots of a gas giant that were beautifully adorned with the colors of the trans flag.
This attracted bigots with their agenda to disrupt the community discussion and the mods shut it down by locking the post.
So the poster created a second one with more photos as a symbolic gesture that the message was simply about pretty planets that they felt represented them-
It too, was locked.
I made a post there proclaiming that I am leaving until I see the mods replaced with those that will not give in to bigotry, and I linked to this community with the hope that people can find a new home here.
Is it possible they just don't feel like dealing with and interacting with the hate? The mods are modding a game subreddit they aren't making a space where they should be expected to engage in culture wars. It's depressing having to interact with a ton of hate.
Im bi and I wouldn't want to deal with people engaging in hateful discussions about bisexual erasure on a subreddit that has nothing to do with sexuality or social issues. That isn't the space for it.
Are they obligated to deal with hate when what they signed on for was moderating a subreddit about a video game?
Why are you deciding that someone else must take part in your desire to fight about things unrelated to the subject of the subreddit? Why do you feel entitled to their time and their mental energy like that?
No, I would see this the same way. It’s a video game subreddit. They signed on to moderate discussions about the game not social issues.
Why do you feel entitled to the moderator’s time and energy? Why do you think you have a right to force them to confront hate on a subreddit that is about a space exploration video game?
Leadership sets the tone of a community. If the leaders are going to allow hate towards some part of the community, that effect will spread. So why would they allow hate of any type?
Now imagine you were moderating a Spore community. Some pastel-colored planets seem pretty tame compared to the imagery that game allowed.
Would you have a problem with a straight person talking Bout their wife or husband, or about their gender? Thats all they did, mention it. Existence is not political, imagine being told you can't even talk about a fundamental part of yourself because you're "being political."
See, the problem with people like you is that they think that every place is the right place to talk about everything. And then call bigots the ones that point out "look wrong place to discuss these topics".
But what you fail to explain is why it should be allowed. If there is a division into topics (be them subreddit, lemmy communities or whatever) it means something. It is not that on StackOverflow you can discuss about personal relationships, there are site of the network dedicated.
Just ban the bigots and look for common patterns so that they can implement an Automod bot to deal with most of the bigots automatically. Why be a mod if you don't want to moderate things?
Why do you think you are entitled to demand that someone confront a flood of hate for free when the subreddit isn'trelated to anything that should draw arguments on gender identity?
Shutting down the thread was how they stopped the flood of hate. Bans were likely given out to people acting rudely or were promoting hate or violence.
You know if you are LGBT+ constantly seeing hate directed at other LGBT+ folks is draining?
But the main problem isn't really resolved. The bad actor is still in the community, and so they will still support and promote anti LGBT rhetoric.
Shutting down a thread is bad for good faith participants in a conversation and is good for bad faith trolls that are just there to rile people up.
Besides, you kinda completely avoided my point. How is banning someone confrontation? If anything, shutting down the thread is more confrontation? Because those people are still in the community and can just post somewhere else. Gay people exist and get harassed for existing. What has been accomplished?
It is resolved. The pic started fights and had no relevance to the overall game. After it was pulled OP reposted it which means even though they knew it wasn’t ok for that space, as the mods locked it, they were going to perpetuate the problem so the mods banned one of the people causing problems.
I really just don't care because I think I fundamentally disagree.
If the post itself is related, and conversation under the post is related to the post, then it's not off topic.
If you post a pic of Sonic in a Sonic sub but the only discussions are fights about racism, I think that your issue is... that...... people are racist... whoa. So ban the racist people instead of shutting down the thread?