If it makes anyone feel any better, I’m pretty sure the election was very effectively rigged. So I think it’s by far and away most likely that a large majority of voters did not, in fact, vote for this.
Plus all of the other, more active forms of voter suppression, like banning felons from voting, surprise deregistrations, sending absentee ballots out late, and requiring people to wait multiple hours while forbidding people from giving them food or water.
Especially the deregistrations are wild to me. Where I live you don't even have to register for elections. If they know you exist, you automatically get an invitation by mail and even if you didn't get it/lost it, you can go to your town hall and ask for one (of course only in the town where you officially live).
Exercise your right
Get fired for not being at work
Is it wrongful termination? Absolutely. That's not much comfort when you're unable to make rent this month and can't afford to sue for a barely above minimum wage job.
Except it's the party of projection. Every accusation is a confession with them. Then claiming vote fraud during the last election is the main reason I think they tried to cheat. They accused the other side of cheating because how could they possibly lose otherwise when they were cheating.
Also the fact that all concerns about election fraud disappeared this election. Do they suddenly not think it's rigged anymore?
I'm not saying it's definitely true but this is pretty convincing. The author lists their credentials at the end of the article.
Here's a preview- a shit ton of mail-in ballots were disqualified. If you are black your mail-in ballot was nine times more likely to be trashed than a white person's.
yeah I'm pretty sure that if america was actually democratic, meaning every citizen is able to vote, the republican party wouldn't even exist anymore, since only privileged fuckheads vote for them
All we would have to do is eliminate the electoral college and they'd never win another presidency. Yeah Trump won popular vote this time by 1.5% but the electoral college keeps people from voting.
And really a lot of poor white people vote for Republicans too, against their best interest, for very sad reasons.
But yes you are correct if this were a real democracy they wouldn't stand a chance.
Elon doesn't even have to be involved, is everyone forgetting the news of mail-in ballot boxes being trashed and vandalized days before the count? How many of those people actually got to recast their ballots?