I've interacted with all the free ones, and they all find the info they send you on the internet.
It's no different than searching the internet
If you want it to generate text it takes the data it trained on from the internet and regurgitates what would be the most likely response, like a search engine.
Sorry but until there is true intelligence in AI then it will really just be an LLM slapped onto a ML program
You're not qualified to have an opinion on any of this if you think "AIs" and search engines both "regurgitate what would be the most likely response" – just because you put a question / query in and it gives you an answer doesn't mean they function similarly.
The rest is total nonsense too; can you please describe what you think "an LLM slapped onto a ML program" actually means?
"Freedom of opinion" means everybody is entitled to having an opinion, but having one doesn't mean you know what you're talking about, and you clearly don't understand how search engines or LLMs work, and you don't know what the relationship between ML and LLMs is (hint: LLMs are machine learning algorithms, you don't "slap them onto an ML program")
I get it you want to personify it because LLMs make it sound human
No, this is what you decided I want. The fact that you managed to think this has been my position all along is nothing short of astounding, did you read anything I wrote? The hell gave you the idea that I want to personify LLMs?
What I want is for people to stop using completely made up technobabble when talking about things, whether it's AI or any-fucking-thing. There are plenty of excellent arguments against "AI" slop and search engines but none of this canned "AI is just an advanced autocomplete that searches the web" horseshit is it, and saying that really demonstrates you don't have a grasp on how any of this works.
Do you think I'd be calling it AI slop if I was trying to hype something up? Seriously you're having some completely different argument here, you're so sure you know who I am that you don't even bother to read shit. Just because I said you don't know jack shit about what you're talking about you think I'm some sort of AI fan.
I'm just going to go ahead and block you because this is like talking to a wall. Dear gods you're as bad as the "AI will solve everything" morons
Why do the people who scream about understanding AI never want to admit that they all use the same training data and therefore hit the same limitations years ago?
Why do people who don't understand what neutral networks are and how they're trained make complete non-sequitor straw man arguments in an unrelated thread just to feel like they're not completely wrong on the topic?