As a white guy, it is like that. In the same way it is in female run office spaces. But white guy culture is definitely the most toxic. They feel unashamedly deserving when they find good old boys clubs.
Having worked in a sexist office, it sucks, having worked for good old boys, it sucks. Not being able to call people out on their shit fucking sucks.
The worst places I have worked at had female leadership and majority women employees. The gossip and bullying was off the scale. Older ladies harassing young men was a daily occurrence and laughed at.
Women being assholes to men has become deeply ingrained in American culture.
Men dumb, women smart is something many men agree with while claiming to be alpha. It's quite silly and has resulted in a form a toxicity that remains poorly defined but palpable once you're aware of it..
I think it's just that people being assholes to each other has become deeply ingrained in American culture. It's become totally acceptable to dehumanize other people for trivial reasons, on both the right and the left.