And more importantly It reveals his character in a way that some of his die hard supporters might actually care about.
He’s been shedding fans for a long time now, but way slower than he’s been going off the rails, because the things he’s done have rarely been directly contradictory to the image his fans have of him. Sure taken as a whole they are, but individual actions can be written off as haters using cult logic.
This though, this is… just so pathetic… so blatantly approval seeking and manipulative tendencies.
My initial reaction mirrored yours; who even gives a shit? But seeing how people have been responding, apparently quite a few. And I'm left here, just utterly blown away that it's this that is making people angry. This? Not all the Nazi shit? Inciting riots? All the molest-y allegations? Lying about a goddamn video game?
Please, asteroid, hurry the fuck up already. C'mon monkey pox, do your stuff.
N n nope. Doomerism will not due. The masses without a voice do not deserve to be flushed away just for the sake of being written off along with the outsized vocal minority of status quo warrior right wing authoritarians (and liberal sympathizers of such)