While yes Republicans have more pedos, the objective of this kind of stuff is only secondarily to kill pedos. The prime objective is to target LGBT people, who have been relentlessly targeted as “groomers” for the past decade or so.
Any time Republicans talk about sexual crimes, you need to remember that they consider being queer a sexual crime and a grown man fucking a teenager to be normal. Interpret everything they say through that lens.
I oppose the death penalty because I don't want the government to have the power to execute people.
Any other reason you have for or against, I don't fucking care. If it's a power you wouldn't trust in the hands of your political rivals, you shouldn't trust it in the hands of the people you support.
We are indeed past the point where material scarcity is a thing. Feel like keeping people alive in American prison is worse than killing them so? If we wanna "punish" them we shouldn't be killing em. With how often pedos get diddled themselves in prison once word spreads of their crimes, seems like karma.
The issue is that we execute a LOT of possibly innocent people. Unlike life imprisonment, you cannot "make it right" if it turns out you accidentally killed the wrong guy in your commission of justice.
Ya? Go tell that to the prison lobby. Maybe check out what happens in turkish prisons. Some people do not deserve life. Having an innocent person imprisoned is awful, however we live in the era of mass surveillance. the mask is off anyway, we have pretty advanced detection algorithms, might as well have no mercy ala Japan style. Of course, for the executions it's gotta be air tight evidence. Or something.
It's.2025 we should just have an executioner vibe check and thumbs down or up. Problem solved
And that was all laid out in project 2025. But people kept insisting that saying they would do that was just fear mongering. Like how saying they'd overturn Roe v Wade was. This shit is what they're planning and people need to finally fucking acknowledge that it's not fear mongering when you're talking about they're literal plan.
Fun fact: many of the founding fathers of the United states and its constitution viewed the second amendment as a means to allow the people to have a check against their government.
I used to think that there was no way people could form an effective insurgency against the US military, but... [gestures at Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, Afghanistan, etc]
The boxcars are always full of people who dont understand what "be ungovernable" means and who think that invoking the 2A means that citizens with AR-15s line up in a field against the entire US military.
The groomer slur specifically took off around 2015, I think Julia Serano has done some writing about that but I’m not positive. If you look at it on Google Ngrams you can see the usage spike right around then and just keep going up until the present.
Obviously the idea that gay people groom children didn’t originate 10 years ago. But thanks for clearing that up for anyone who was confused.