I feel like an old man cause anime girls look weird to me. I see this stuff, the obviously hyper sexualized cartoon girls, and I'm always like "you guys know about pornhub, right? Pictures of real women, videos, millions of them are a click away!" So like, wtf is up with the cartoon fetish? I'm not shaming it, I just don't get it.
I had that exact thought about the anime girls, read your comment, silently agreed with it, upvoted it and then immediately looked at my figurine of Jessica Rabbit and said "ah, fuck" out loud.
Sexual appetites are informed by the images of people you familiarize yourself with. Not usual for people to seek out partners who remind them of old friends or family members, because that's the image they've imprinted on as attractive.
If you surround yourself with images of japanese cartoons (particularly horny ones, particularly when you're young and impressionable and you'd fuck a fire hydrant on a hot day) its not going to be hard to fixate on cartoons fucking.
If you surround yourself with booze and people your own age who are equally horny, you likely won't have that temptation.
Same here (am old man) but in the context of this post one can make the argument that pornography in general is reducing the population. Not necessarily a bad thing.