Percentage saying they’re ‘very proud’ to be Canadian has dropped from 78% to 34% since 1985 December 13, 2024 – The years since the onset of COVID-19 have been a well-documented period of division and discord in this country, with Canadians expressing concerns about the lack of a “middle” option po...
Because that's simply not true. A country is not its government. Look at literally any revolution in the entirety of human history and that's an obvious fact. The peoples, the cultures, the social norms that give a country the distinct feel that defines what it is survives beyond any given government.
The Canadian government works for, or at least is supposed to work for, Canada. It is not Canada in of itself. I'm so sorry that you feel so disenfranchised that you seem to believe otherwise, but we collectively decide what out country is. No elected official gets to decide it for us.
You've got a lot of vague disdain for the state of Canada, but offer next to nothing when it comes to specific issues. Who is "they," and what culture is it that you perceive "they" have taken from us?
You certainly have not explained anything beyond showing a vague hatred for the government, and a deeply held belief that they're somehow responsible for killing any sense of a national body. Perhaps you've explained yourself in detail in another conversation, but I was certainly not aware of it.
Maybe I can ask more directly: What do you think makes Canada uniquely Canada? Ignoring the whos, whys and hows, what do you believe we have lost, culturally speaking?