Yesterday was the 10th anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo shooting. What is your opinion on the freedom of satire in general and the satire of religion in particular?
I'm sure there are folks here who have listened to a lot more Sam Harris than I have, but I've listened to several audiobooks and probably 40-50 hours of his podcast. He has some smart things to say about neuroscience and mindfulness, but my god he has some toxic, middle-school-ass takes on Islam. I haven't heard that quote before, but I'm not surprised he said it. He's Ben Shapiro with a PhD who makes deliberately obtuse, reductive, bad faith statements about Islam and Muslims.
For the record, I'm a white atheist. I think religion has been the source of immeasurable violence in the world. I don't think anyone should be shot over something they say or draw, but to declare "end of moral analysis" is ignorant.
Well, he may have a point there, bit this is the same guy who promotes racial screening in airports in spite of repeated refutations of the usefulness of such measures by a security expert, so...