Cloudflare provides valuable services this day on age but they’re building into a dangerous monolith of internet structure. Not sure how comfortable I am with that
I’m a Quad9 guy myself but DNS is one of the things that isn't really being monopolized.
More worrying that they’re becoming a reverse proxy for literally everyone via their DDoS protection/anti-intusion services.
Which are quite good, let’s be honest, but that afford them the ability to monitor and censor, and if they have a failure they take down a large portion of the internet with them.
They could also start fucking with net neutrality, picking winners and losers as far as what services function in a viable way. Just because they haven’t doesn’t mean it isn’t uncomfortable that they’re in a position to.
He's filthy rich and makes some of his money with gambling addiction. But his company invests million into Linux and I really enjoy Valve's products. There are thousands of worse CEOs and companies.
Definitely valve. Say what you will about the man, or don't, I'm not your manager, but he has kept the same formula to steam since it was created. While other empires crumble and fall to enshittification, valve simply is.
We need Gabe to stick around as long as possible. If he wants to buy yachts and gamble with the money he has, let him. He didn't get to where he is by chasing every last dime and dollar, he got there gradually by running the company in such a way that it served the user base. As long as Valve's Software continues to focus on the user, we should leave this one alone.