I’m pretty sure that everyone likes boobs, and nuts are just not awesome in any way. If someone’s using nuts as a superlative thing, their priorities are definitely askew.
The key thing is checking regularly enough that you know what's normal for you, and thus can see a doctor if there are any unexpected changes in shape or texture. (Apologies for lecturing in reply to what was probably a joke)
My doctor has been extolling this (correct) perspective lately and you are excellent for supporting it.
But because the original post was a joke, I have to share: I've never had a professional testicular examination before. I'm in my late thirties now and recently changed doctors due to moving. My new doctor, the first time I saw her, offered diagnostic testicular palpation. I declined, as I had no cause for concern, then when I got home told my wife how surprised I was at the suggestion. (Not offended or anything, just caught off guard.)
My wife, whom you might have guessed is a woman, was not sympathetic to my surprise, as she'd had genital inspections throughout her life.
I normally try to make the last line of a post like this pithy and humorous, but three other conversations I have going on in the background have robbed me of any joy as I typed this (if you knew me you probably would observe the change in tone between paragraphs), so I will merely present this as factual.