Extremely, tarrifs will erase the middle class. All regulations will be repealed allowing even more corporate power and influence. We're about to experience the Gilded Age on crack mixed with the burning hells of our mother Earth scorned.
They're done with the middle class here. They don't want to raise the poverty level worldwide, they want to bring us down to match the rest of the world. It's strip-mining time, we're too expensive for the international rich's tastes.
You don't want it to fall apart after one use, see? Need to make sure it can stand up to the job. We don't want to build to Harbor Freight standards here. Take pride in our work.
Look, I'm no guillotine-ologist, but I think if I was going to construct one I would forgo my usual method of measure once and cut 5 to 10 times until I have to go get another board because I've destroyed the last one.
We dont need guillotines. We need to heal our culture and unify Americans by ending the two party system that thrives off our division. We are so big we should be lead by a coalition of factions. Not whatever the fuck this is.
Ah yes, the same rhetoric that got us into this mess. Do nothing that actually makes a difference, but try to "fix" it from within. Meanwhile everything is being stolen with intentional legal loopholes.
How do you propose removing the two party system, which the two parties comprising the entirety of the government have every incentive to keep because it's the only reason they have the power they do? The only way, as designed an within the existing system is to get enough representation in to force that change, which means replacing 2/3 of Congress essentially at the same time to force super majorities on both sides.
Do I need to remind everyone that the French Revolution eventually fed their own into the guillotines? No? We're just keen on repeating every bit of history until we're baked off this rock? Okay. Let's do that instead of trying to ratify citizen petitions, getting collective action, and actually building a unified ideal over time. Nah, thats much too hard. Buy some wood, meet up with the three other willing people, and go stand outside some politicians house with a guillotine while he calls his donners all scared and they write up more protest laws.
Let’s do that instead of trying to ratify citizen petitions, getting collective action, and actually building a unified ideal over time.
Those work on a local level, not federal. Citizens have no control of anything Federal. The Federal government doesn't have to listen to the citizens at all. The only consequence for them is during re-election. There they'll just gerrymander the districts to force a win either way overall.
The federal government relies on each branch overseeing each other. And the Republicans have a stacked blatantly partisan Supreme Court that gave the office of the President total immunity. And a Republican majority in both sides of Congress completely willing to let Trump do what he wants as far of the plan.
Fixing this at a federal level will require getting to the exact opposite point we're at now since we've allowed it to get to this point.