Usually Robert and Sophie are good about getting the guests that vibe with the show back for more so here’s hoping! Ed Helms wasnt bad either but he didn’t riff as well with Robert
I liked the Ed Helms episodes. He approached the subject as more of a journalist than a comedian. Which sort of changes things up. Robert got to rock some of his own journalism.
I think with a slightly different subject matter the two could mesh quite well.
Maybe something that Ed Helms has some passing knowledge of.
Oh I really liked them too, and I agree that Robert appreciated Ed’s questions, but I also think he had more fun with Mara. And I know Robert doesn’t give a personal fuck that he was talking to someone as famous as Ed Helms, but I got the impression he was trying to be as professional as he’s capable of being because it would be really good for Cool Zone overall if they get more big names like him on.