Returning to an occasional coke out of necessity after swapping to other sodas is a bizarre experience. It really has a strange taste. Not even necessarily bad, but strange. But if you return to it for a few weeks, you stop noticing it.
It tastes like vanilla coke, but different. I described it as greasy vanilla, but creamy might be a nicer way to put it. I didn't notice any chocolate flavor.
Funnily enough I've tried a Coke Oreo the other day and it's the most disgusting, vile shit I've ever had the misfortune of tasting before. Tastes like flat coke that's being left in the open for a week. Why, oh WHY would someone think that's a good idea? Who's the executive that greenlit this shit?!
I bought a bag of lamington-infused coffee out of curiosity. It tastes faintly of strawberry and coconut. A sip would have been enough and I bought a week's supply... 😒
At least I'm supporting breast cancer research by drinking it.