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  • May 2024 is Ending and No One Told Me

    Hello everyone. We’ve all blinked and now we are nearing the end of May. Some of us played with the Domaystic challenge. I’m surprised how much I’ve drawn for it. 20 prompts done out of 31. Though for some days I certainly drew more than one panel, so call that very evened out?

    I hope the original errors that was making it hard for people to fediverse is settling down some. Love to be corrected if wrong, but this is the only fanfic place that has any sign of life in any fediverse I’ve seen! Is there anything that may help others feel more like chatting on here or is it largely just the tech issues and the very small/quiet crowd?

    Goodness, I do miss the activity of reddit. I think it might be one of the reasons why I’m pining for interactions in the fandom of my latest hyperfixation when I usually am able to sit back and pretend it doesn’t exist. I was able to get my fandom community needs in a slightly more abstracted way.

  • ColeyDoesThings Covers Latest AO3 Drama

    I am not in the House of the Dragons fandom so it's all new/news to me. Don't know if there is anyone here who is who wants to talk about their experience with it within or outside of AO3?

  • May 2024 Begins!

    Despite the latest issues of life, a oneshot I started working on last week is nearly at 5k words. I just. I can't even. My brain usually struggles just to do 1k words in that frame. How.

    Also now drawing things for Domaystic. That is less wild to me because. Well. Drawing has always been easier than words.

    One day I'll get back to my main comic but not going to fight my brain on this. Riding this hyperfixation high for however long it will let me.

  • As We Reach the End of April 2024

    Finished that shipping week event with 2 late pieces but getting 5/7 prompts (with 2 of them being written onehots) is honestly way more than I expected of myself. Especially since my usual pace of finishing a 1k word oneshot is 3 months. This likely means said texts are a big mess but maybe people will be distracted enough by my doodles for the event? lol

    Hoping to collab with a friend for Domaystic. As in will do some doodles to compliment their awesome writing.

    All of this and haven't done a thing for my comic's anniversary. Well, not a complete lie. I have been working on the pages for this month. I just haven't gotten enough done to be able to post them. And as we know readers to be, working on something isn't the same as actually being done. But hey, still have some days left of this month!

    This little place has gotten very quiet but hope everyone is ok. Please stay safe.

  • Somewhere it's April 20

    If anyone has doubts that their idea is too niché to be read, my Squirrel Stapler/Slay the Princess oneshot has gotten 40 hits since I uploaded it some 20ish hours ago.

    I cannot remember who introduced the Finished What You Started here, but that oneshot is my contribution to the event! I have so many other WIPs. I dared think I was going to finish a Pokémon piece or even a Sakuna: Rice&Ruin one I've had since last year. But nooooo (I say despite the fact we still have time left)

    Also got to contribute to a week event! No way am I going to fulfill the whole week of prompts but it was so nice to find something I could play and contribute to.

    Hope everyone is holding up. Please be safe!

  • April 12th, a Friday

    In some bizarre brain melt while in one hyperfocused fandom I finally strayed into a couple of WIPs that have been ignored for a time. Here's to hoping maybe I can have something to show for the Finish What You Started Challenge?

    One is a f/f Sakuna: Rice and Ruin but the f/f is too realistic because it barely gets addressed (hopefully I'll be able to pull it more forward in edits?) but to be fair the focus is largely on these two idiots better understanding each other (that's the hottest thing ever right?).

    And the other is a crack crossover involving staples and rodents. The little I did write before was honestly just for a joke to annoy friends but now my mind has a better idea on how to expand it.

  • Longer fic recommendations for road trip

    I'm going on a road trip, and I'm interested in fic recommendations. I had a fic in mind to read during the trip, but as I've been reading it, it's become a bit darker than I thought it would be. I may still read it some; it is well-written, but I want to have some backups in case it gets too much and I want to distract myself with something less bloody and grimdark.

    Some violence is okay, as long as it isn't graphic or sexual in nature. I prefer something that's at least 15k words in length, preferably a little longer since I would like to finally finish a longer fic.

    My main fandoms are Sonic the Hedgehog, Transformers, and Puss in Boots: the Last Wish, though I would be willing to read something from an unfamiliar fandom if it is high fantasy or science fiction related (especially if it focuses on sentient robots/has a well-developed sentient robot)

    Here are some of my other fandoms: -Arthurian Mythology -Murder Drones -Record of Lodoss War -Star Trek: the Next Generation -Robotech -Magic Knight Rayearth -Sailor Moon -Almost all Disney/Pixar movies

    Self-recs are fine by me :)

  • Roundup March 2024

    Learning to draw new characters in both their original style and trying to decide how to translate them into whatever the heck mine is.

    Been also drawing a bunch of comics that at best 2 other people will ever see. Should be preparing for my 5th anniversary for my main comic as some gracious readers have given me questions to play with for the QnA but brain isn't quite ready to return to that yet.

    Hope everyone has had something nice happen to them this month and has something to look forward to the next\~

  • 3/16 Weekend Roundup

    I actually DID pick up a fic from over a year ago and restart it. I'm so proud. I might even finish it this time. It's a Pokemon fic because... well that's just been my jam for a while now.

    As a side note: Pokemon has been one of my longest running hyper-fixations, but I think that's just because of the length and breadth of the content.

    I suppose that means I'll need to keep an eye out for other mega franchises in the future. It's nice to have something enduring. XD

    I hope all of you are doing well.

    Since I know a lot of people out there struggle with a variety of illnesses, it's good to keep in mind that this time of year you should be gentle with yourself. (April in particular is actually one of the harshest months for anyone dealing with depression, for example.)

    It's a slog. It will get better.

    That may be completely unrelated to what any of y'all are going through, but I remember hearing it from an expert years ago and it was genuinely eye opening... and a good reminder to take a couple vacation or personal days in the Spring.

    Happy weekend!

  • Friday Roundup (2024-03-08)

    Hey everyone =) Time for our weekly tradition of telling each other we're damn tired and gush about fandom ;p How have you been? Anything you want to share?


    I'm... well, tired of course, duh. Tempted to add "boring" because I don't have anything new to say lol. Thanks to the FanPrompt game for keeping me vaguely in the loop.

    Oh, and someone started a lemmy instance dedicated to fandom, so that could maybe be of interest to someone here.

  • Friday Roundup! (March 1-3)

    What's everyone reading and writing this weekend? I'm still taking things slowly, but I'm continuing to get a little written everyday. I've also been trying to read more Hazbin Hotel comics, not on Youtube, but everywhere wants an account these days and I don't have the spoons.

  • Friday Roundup (2024-02-23)

    Hello everyone =) Any fandomy news? Any fandomy plan? Let’s hear about it!

    I am apparently cycling between "too dead to function, much less write more than a few sentences" → "writing a fill for a prompt in one sitting in a feverish daze" → "struggling to typocheck and post because too tired" and back to the start. That's... not ideal.

    The good news is that despite this I'm still going strong with the daily microfics, and I'm still writing daily even if some days it's just literally one sentence. Any word is better than none after all.

    The complex news is that there is new content for the currently-releasing game in my fandom and I'm too tired to play it. I feel very much like a frustrated mess x')

    Also this is the last week before the event "Finish What You Started" that focuses on finishing fan projects we started before the first day of the event. It runs from March 1st to April 30th and I'll be participating to hopefully tackle some older WIPs from fandoms I lowkey fell out of. The Fall edition of last year helped me finish... three fics and one crochet pattern, so I'm hoping I can do nice things this time too!

    (If posting the link to the event is not allowed I can edit, just tell me!)

  • Friday Roundup (2024-02-16)

    Hello everyone =) Any fandomy news? Any fandomy plan? Let's hear about it!


    Me? I'm behind anew in my fanfic reading, didn't last long xD Microfics are still a thing, daily writing is still a thing... Oh, and I'm crocheting a cake for the game anniversary /shrugs/

  • Friday Round Up (Feb 9-11)

    How is your fandom intake this week? What are your plans for this weekend? I'm doing the same as before, keeping up with the stories I want to be writing while navigating pesky real life.

    I have accomplished one full week of Femslash Feb, so success on that front!

  • Wait, we had a Friday tradition, right? (2024-02-02)

    Hey everyone, Friday round-ups have been a while so I guess we can make this a full January round-up ^^

    Anything fannish or fannish-adjacent you want to share about January? A cool project you started? Progress you're proud of? Something you're happy to have finished? A new discovery maybe?

    Do you have plans for this weekend? (Or beyond?)


    As for me... January was overall a slow month for fannish stuff but during the last days of December a friend over on Mastodon started posting daily, one-word prompts for small fancreations: microfics, doodles, and other things you can do in little time (you can find the prompts and fills with #FanPrompt if you have an account on something federating with Mastodon). And... I've done them all! Every single day! I never wrote microfiction before and I didn't expect to have so much fun with it, so that's a neat discovery ^^

    Plans: aside from continuing with the microfics prompts, I have a more standard fic I should finish in the coming days, and I decided to try to challenge myself to write at least one sentence (outside of the microfics) per day. Even if that sentence ends up being one word. I want to see if the forced regularity is better for me than forced productivity (X words in a month). Suspense ^^

  • Do You Like Giftfic?

    I used to believe everyone did, but I know better. Some people don't like it from people they don't know. Others don't like receiving it from anyone at all. What do you think about it?

    I personally like writing giftfic. I don't do it all the time, because if I did I would never write the stuff I like the most (as no one else writes the stories I really want). But how happy people have been when I have? Has always made it worth it.

    Receiving it is always nice too. Especially when people have made the effort to write the specific tropes/pairings/whatever I love. After all, most of them are rare. It's always appreciated.

  • Fics focused on obscure characters/OCs

    Have you ever written or read a fanfic that focuses on OCs and obscure characters? Though OCs can get flak sometimes, they can be great for pre-canon stories where you need to pad out the cast. And obscure characters can be kind of a blank canvas.

    Though I've never written something like that, I've been reading a Transformers fic with a cast full of OCs and obscure characters (characters that died on their first appearance, only said a few lines in canon, etc). It focuses on the wife of one villain before canon, back when she was a child.

    I loved the main character, but when I tried looking her up, virtually none of her backstory was even on the wiki page, and when I tried looking up some of the other characters, they didn't even have pages. I'm a little disappointed that nearly all of the events won't be referenced in canon, but I'm really impressed with the author's world building.

    I always love it when authors put their own spin on an existing world, and I'd love to hear if anyone has read or made any other fics like it. (though it is kind of the point of fanfiction, these authors take it to the next level)

    (Sorry if this was a little clunky, or if it's similar to something else. First post and all. 😅)

  • New Year, New Fic, Which Fandoms are psyched about in 2024?

    Right now I'm still on my Mob Psycho 100 kick, with Pokemon going pretty strong, but a few new series have popped up.

    • Frieren
    • My Derelict Favorite

    I'm curious to see what else grabs me. How about you all? :)

  • It's Friday, is everyone okay? (2023/12/22)

    Hello everyone =) Hope you're doing well? Anything you want to share about your writing? Your drawing? Maybe something you've read since the last round-up? Any plan for this weekend?

    (For Federation Science, I'll post my answers below with my mastodon account ^^)

  • Plot Holes in Source Material

    What do you like to do with them? Some people ignore them entirely. I personally love to build a reason why the plot hole exists. Building onto the world and setting in the background to make sense of everything. What about you?

  • What is a Weekend but a Miserable Pile of Secrets

    Weekend roundup! What are you writing? Reading? Drawing?

    TELL ME.

  • What Summary Grabs You?

    Forgetting tags for a moment: if you are already searching in your fandoms/pairings/favourite tags, what in a summary will cause you to click it over any other story?

  • Weekend Round-Up 11/24

    What's everyone focused on this weekend?

    I've been a reading a ton of Fire Emblem fic and just might get around to writing one of the stories I have floating around in my head.

    We'll see.

    I also may have found my drawing tablet! Assuming my stylus is with it, I may draw a bit.

  • How often do you focus on the original story's protagonist?

    I usually find the main character to be the least interesting. This isn't always, but it's often.

    Part of it is the sense that sometimes protagonists rest too much on BEING protagonists to be interesting. Everyone sort of falls all over them and they're special just because and... It feels flat to me.

    So most of the fic I write/read centers on secondary protagonist or side characters to varying degrees.

    What about you all?

  • It's Friday! What are you reading/writing/drawing 11/17?

    I might expand on a short Fire Emblem fic I wrote in a rush last weekend. I'm in the mood for some deep friendship fic and I have some inspiration.

    What about all of you?

  • Do you post (about) your writing outside of writing sites?

    Posting what we write on websites dedicated to writing seems obvious, but do you post your fic on websites that are not dedicated to writing, like social medias? Or do you keep the full fic on its fic site but still post about it elsewhere?

    I personally have trouble posting about my writing, it always feels like it's not the right place for that. Like all the people interested in reading fanfic are already checking fanfic sites and it would just be annoying to most users of other sites to see posts about it. And while I'm sure part of it is just personal history with social medias, I'm unsure how much of it has basis in reality, because it's true that I almost never see fanfic-related posts where I lurk.

    What's your opinion on that?

  • Friday Roundup! What Are You Doing This Weekend? (11/3)

    It is November? Are we writing? Drawing? Reading?

    For me, NaNo has started, but I'm also busy with a lot of other things which means I'm not doing as much writing until the latter half of the month. So this weekend will have a little writing, but unfortunately not a lot of other fandom things.

    What about everyone else?

  • To beta read? Or to die like men instead?

    Do you have a beta read your fics before you publish them? Or do you prefer to do your own checking & hope that's good enough?

    Personally, I'm not keen on the idea of having a beta reader (no shade to any who do). I re-read (& sometimes re-write) my chapters A LOT. And when I'm happy with them, I give it a few days & re-read them again for SPAG issues or inconsistencies. And then when I've posted them, I re-read them again because my brain won't let me in case they magically changed between pasting & posting. (I do the same with emails & the like. 🤷‍♀️) After all that, having someone else re-read it yet again seems kind of redundant.

  • What helps you with writer's block?

    One of my favorite tricks when I have been staring at a passage I'm not happy with for too long is to open a separate word document and then trying to capture the idea without limiting myself to just the small string of words I initially set down.

    (Once the words are in front of me I find myself trying to rearrange them as I don't have a much broader vocabulary to choose from.)

    Another is to have a scratchpad where I can set aside entire paragraphs or chunks I'm not sure of, but not ready to part with just yet. Some of them become different stories or can be used for later.

  • [Rules] Welcome to m/FanFiction!

    Welcome one and all to another corner of the internet devoted to fanfiction, /m/fanfiction!

    Whether you are a reader, a writer, or both, you are welcome here. This is a place to talk about what you are reading, working on, the fandoms you like, and the craft of writing.

    The rules:

    1. Be nice. Disagreements are fine, being mean is not. The usual Golden Rule.
    2. Only link to your own work if someone asks you directly or, in a post requesting for certain types of work, the OP specifies self-promo is okay.
    3. You can complain about things you don't like to find in your work and others, but no posting links to direct people toward something you don't like. We are not a mob.
    4. As this is fanfiction, don't bring up getting paid for the hobby.
    5. Posts to share passages or a review exchange are great! Specify these in the title of the thread, as well as whether concrit is or is not allowed.
    6. Make sure to check the NSFW box for any adult topics. They are allowed here, but this magazine is for all ages!
    7. When discussing specific fandom terms, try to be as inclusive as possible! This includes explaining or linking to an explanation of tropes some people might not be as familiar with the name of, or writing out the full name of your fandom before you use any abbreviations.

    Update July 15th 2023: These rules are to be applied to the Threads section of this magazine. The Microblog section automatically pulls inposts with #fanfiction. Only rules one and three will be enforced there. So look and click on anything there at your own risk!

    I'll admit I don't know what I'm doing yet, but I'll try my best. Please introduce yourself here however you best see fit!

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