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  • WARNING: Lemmy Self-Hosters, There Have Been CSAM Attacks taking place against !

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    > cross-posted from: > > > There have been users spamming CSAM content in ! causing it to federate to other instances. If your instance is subscribed to this community, you should take action to rectify it immediately. I recommend performing a hard delete via command line on the server. > > > > I deleted every image from the past 24 hours personally, using the following command: sudo find /srv/lemmy/ -type f -ctime -1 -exec shred {} \; > > Note: Your local jurisdiction may impose a duty to report or other obligations. Check with these, but always prioritize ensuring that the content does not continue to be served.

  • Has anyone defederated your instance? Introducing Defederation Investigator Defederation Investigator for Lemmy

    Discover who has defederated your Lemmy instance with the Defederation Investigator.

    Defederation Investigator for Lemmy

    cross-posted from:

    > cross-posted from: > > > I couldn't find any tools to check this, so I built one myself. > > > > This is a little site I built: the Defederation Investigator With it, you can get a comprehensive view of which instances have blocked yours, as well as which ones you are federated with. > > > > The tool is open source and available on GitHub. Hopefully someone will find it useful, enjoy.

  • Beeper adds support for Google Messages RCS alongside iMessage, works on Android and iPhone

    RCS is available to every Android user at this point, but that hasn’t ended the messaging headaches that come from...

    Beeper adds support for Google Messages RCS alongside iMessage, works on Android and iPhone
  • Reiverr: A clean UI for Jellyfin, TMDB, Sonarr and Radarr, as well as a replacement to Overseerr

    cross-posted from:

    > Hey ya all, > > 
> Reiverr is a project of mine that I’ve decided to release to the public today. It’s a self-hosted website similar to the content discovery app Overseerr, with the added features of managing and watching your content library through Sonarr, Radarr and Jellyfin integrations. The motivation behind the project was the lack of a unified modern UI that could be used to discover, manage and watch content in a single place. > > Currently, the project is in very early stages of development, but it is mostly usable in its current state. If you want to try it out, you can find the installation instructions in the project’s GitHub page:
> > > > > Also: For the project to reach its fullest potential, it could use contributions! If you’d like to contribute code, designs (I’m not a UI designer, please help me), documentation or anything else, first of all, thank you!, and you can find an extensive list of planned features & fixes at the Reiverr Taskboard. It’s also a great place to just get a sense of what’s being done if you’re curious.
> > > Cheers guys!

  • India's Defence Ministry to switch from Windows to locally built Ubuntu fork 'Maya' over security concerns India Defence Ministry to replace Microsoft OS with Maya

    India’s Defence Ministry has decided to replace Microsoft Operating System with Maya, a new OS based on open-source Ubuntu developed by government agencies

    India Defence Ministry to replace Microsoft OS with Maya

    cross-posted from:

    > Due to increasing concerns over cyberattacks and malware, India's Defence Ministry has decided to replace Microsoft's OS with a locally made Ubuntu fork named Maya (meaning 'deception' in Sanskrit). Maya will have an interface similar to Windows to ease the transition, and an end-point detection and protection system called Chakravyuh. The three armed services are also expected to follow suit, with the Navy already having cleared the OS for deployment. > > The Indian government has long had a policy to transfer all government systems to open-source software, with the Railways and the Bombay Stock Exchange having switched to Red Hat and educational institutions using distributions such as Debian-based BOSS and Ubuntu-based KITE.

  • PSA for Lemmy instance admins: in backend v0.18.3 there is a bug that causes your instance to stop federating properly and to stop sending out outgoing messages

    cross-posted from:

    > This new version introduced a system so that your instance stops sending out content to other instances that are supposedly dead / offline. > > Unfortunately for some reason there's false positives. When I checked comparing the results from a curl request vs the information in our Lemmy database I found over 350+ false positives. > > In the DB there is a table called "instance" which has a column called "updated". If the date on that column is older than 3 days, your server will stop sending any content to those instances. > > For some reason I had entries that were dated as last being alive in July, while actually they were always up. If an entry is incorrect, you can fix it by manually using an update statement and adding today's date. If your instance is not too large you can safely update all entries to today's date and check if everything works as expected from then on any new content created on your instances. > > The dead instances won't have an impact unless your instance is larger and generates more content, thus it might be easier to simply update all entries and have Lemmy believe they're all alive if you start noticing wonky behavior and don't want to check one by one. > > If you don't know how to access the database run this command where domaincom is your instance domain without the dot. > > 1. docker exec -it domaincom_postgres_1 busybox /bin/sh > > 2. psql -U > > (The default user is 'lemmy') > You could technically do this is one single step, but it's good to know the command to get shell access to the container itself if you didn't know how to. > > This should give you access to a postgres CLI interface. > Use \c to connect, \dt to list tables and \d+ tablename to list table definition. You can also run SQL queries from there. > > Try with this query: SELECT * from instance to list all instances and their updated date. > > You can use other SQL queries to get better results or correct false positives. Just be careful with what you execute since there's no undo.

  • NASA is launching a new 'Plus' streaming service NASA Plus is the latest streaming competitor

    Don’t worry, you won’t need to subscribe to space travel here.

    NASA Plus is the latest streaming competitor

    cross-posted from:

    > >You’ll be able to watch live coverage of future launches, documentaries, and brand-new original series the agency is producing exclusively for NASA Plus. The agency is looking to “better tell the stories of how NASA explores the unknown” and connect with more people by transforming its digital presence > > >And best of all, NASA says it will be “ad-free, no cost, and family-friendly

  • Last year the EFF published this "legal primer" for people hosting Fediverse instances User Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer

    A growing number of people are experimenting with federated alternatives to social media like Mastodon, either by joining an “instance” hosted by someone else or creating their own instance by running the free, open-source software on a server they control. (See more about this movement and joining....

    User Generated Content and the Fediverse: A Legal Primer

    cross-posted from:

    > > Two important notes: (1) This guide is focused on legal risks that flow from hosting other people’s content, under U.S. law. In general, the safe harbors and immunities discussed below will not protect you if you are directly infringing copyright or defaming someone. (2) Many of us at EFF are lawyers, but we are not YOUR lawyers. This guide is intended to offer a high-level overview of U.S. law and should not be taken as legal advice specific to your particular situation.

  • cross-posted from:

    > Let me introduce my new little project - 🍋 LemMon - Lemmy Monitor - Servers Status > > The main servers will check if the lemmy servers (you can request in this post which servers to add) are online every 1 minute. > > Every lemmy server have dedicated status page like > > Enjoy! > > !

  • Know your enemy: the pokeys

    This is what the pokey plant is. The more you know

  • Dutch government starts own Mastodon instance as reaction to the instability of Twitter

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  • Ubuntu 23.10’s New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) Ubuntu 23.10's New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) - OMG! Ubuntu

    A new 'app store' is expected to ship as part of Ubuntu 23.10 when it's released in October — and it'll debut with a notable change to DEB support. Don't

    Ubuntu 23.10's New Software App Will Demote DEBs (Apparently) - OMG! Ubuntu

    cross-posted from:

    > A new ‘app store’ is expected to ship as part of Ubuntu 23.10 when it’s released in October — and it’ll debut with a notable change to DEB support.

  • I created a php client for Lemmy and a ChatGPT bot for Lemmy rikudou/lemmy-api - Packagist

    Communicate with Lemmy API from php

    cross-posted from:

    > The php client will help with creating bots and/or mod tools. ChatGPT bot can reply to your comment. > > PHP client: > > To communicate with the bot, just mention it:

  • CyberSecurity: Zero to Hero from Humble Bundle CyberSecurity: Zero to Hero

    We’ve teamed up with Packt for our newest bundle. Get cybersecurity training courses to learn coding, testing, and more. Pay what you want & support World Wildlife Fund!

    CyberSecurity: Zero to Hero

    cross-posted from:

    > >Become a cybersecurity champion > > >Want to train up to take on today’s biggest cybersecurity challenges? Go from zero to hero with this comprehensive bundle of courses from Packt. Focus on the fundamentals, and build up advanced skills through hands-on training. Learn how to write secure code, test your systems’ defenses, how to be an ethical hacker, and more—and help support World Wildlife Fund with your purchase! > > Pay at least $25 for the entire bundle

  • Chinese government to ditch Windows in the next three years China to ditch all Windows PCs by 2022 – could this be Linux’s time to shine?

    All government services will stop using Windows in the next three years

    China to ditch all Windows PCs by 2022 – could this be Linux’s time to shine?

    cross-posted from:

    > I ditched Windows BTW.

  • Annoyed by links pointing to other instances, where you're not logged in? I have the solution :) Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    Ensures that all URLs to Lemmy instances always point to your main/home instance.

    Lemmy Universal Link Switcher

    cross-posted from:

    > ### Description > > Lemmy Universal Link Switcher, or LULs for short, scans all links on all websites, and if any link points to a Lemmy instance that is not your main/home instance, it rewrites the link so that it instead points to your main instance. > > Also works on Firefox Android with the Tampermonkey extension! > > ### Features > > * Rewrite links to Lemmy posts/comments to point to your home instance. Only after hovering over them, because getting home posts/comments links require communicating with the Lemmy servers, and we don't want to spam the servers. > !video demonstrating links to posts being rewritten > * Instantly rewrite all links of community or user links to Lemmy/kbin on all websites everywhere to your new instance! The rewritten links will have an icon next to it, and hovering/touching the icon will show you the original link, allowing you to go there if you want to. > [!community links being rewritten]( > > * If you are already on a page that has a corresponding page on your home instance, a link will automatically be added to the page header. > [!the header link to your home instance when already on a remote post]( > > > ### Home Instance Setup > > Simply visit the Lemmy instance you want to set as your home while the script is active. You will be asked if you want to set this instance to your home instance: > [!popup to select home instance]( > > If you initially set your home instance wrong or just want to change it, no worries - simply go to your settings on your new home instance and press the button for it! > [!button to set your new home instance]( > > ### Common Issues > > * Does not work with Greasemonkey. Use Violentmonkey (open source) or Tampermonkey (closed source) instead. > > ### Coming soon > > * Rewrite kbin post/comment links > * Better rewriting support for kbin community/user urls (e.g. sort options are currently ignored) > * Nicer tooltip styling (fit into page theme) > * Signify that "Show at home" button is loading for posts/comments >

  • Open source book | Ansible for DevOps Ansible for DevOps

    Ansible is a simple, but powerful, server and configuration management tool. Learn to use Ansible effectively, whether you manage one server—or thousands.

    Ansible for DevOps
  • the bus I was riding earlier got rear-ended by a fking semi-truck

    cross-posted from:

    > To my knowledge no one was injured. The semi didn't have a trailer attached so the crash didn't feel too intense, surprisingly. I did have to wait 20 minutes for another bus tho which was mildly infuriating

  • Jeff Geerling stops development for Redhat

    cross-posted from:

    > An exceptionally well explained rant that I find myself in total agreement with.

  • Suggestions for selfhosted recipe manager?

    cross-posted from:

    > I like to cook, and for that I need a place where I can keep all my recipes. I'm currently using the app My Recipe Box. But it's closed source and full of ads. While the pro version is pretty cheap, I wanted to see if there were any open source apps for this. > > Selfhosted apps will be nice. I'm fine with web access and no native app as well. If not selfhosted, I can also manage with open source apps with automatic backup of some sort. > > The only feature that I really need is recipe scraping. Thanks for all your suggestions.

  • YSK: How Lemmy Works

    cross-posted from:

    > Why YSK: Because intuitive explanations are few and far between, and the technical explanations often present too many "trees" and not enough "forest", which is just how technically-minded people are trained to approach things. Forests are, after all, made of trees, and it's not their fault we don't care about individual "trees". This then, is my unprofessional attempt to consolidate everything I've read over the past three days into one, easy-to-understand explanation of how all this shit works in lay-person's terms. Due to my amateur background, I may have details incorrect, and I would request that anyone who catches anywhere where I have made a mistake, even a small detail, to please correct me. I will also include a few links to my best sources at the bottom. tl;dr style explanations will be included after every paragraph in parenthesis. So, let's begin: > > Imagine you have reddit. Fantastic, it's a giant forum composed of a whole bunch of smaller, sub-forums. But let's take this one step further. Why have just one reddit? Why can't we have lots of reddits, each capable of having its own complete set of subs, where each reddit is independent of every other one and has its own web address? Okay, let's do this, and push it to the extreme. Let's make it so everyone can make their own reddit, even individuals. So you, if you wanted, could set up your own complete reddit, with just you in it. You could have all the subs, r/TIL, r/TIHI, r/pics, etc etc, all with just you in them. You have total control! But you have no content and are probably pretty lonely, right? We'll get to that. Let's call this Self-Hosting though. > > (So, we now have a situation where many whole reddits can individually exist, each in the vacuum of space.) > > Now let's fix that content and loneliness problem. What if we allowed each reddit to communicate and share content with every other reddit, similar to how subs can communicate with each other? Boom. We just created a spider-webbed network, of countless individual reddits, each composed of subs, that can now all share content back and forth. Let's call this big spiderweb an over-reddit, to contrast it with subreddits. > > (Now instead of a two-tier system of isolated reddits and their subs, we have a three-tier system, of over-reddit [the "Lemmy-verse"], reddits [Lemmys or Instances or Servers], and subs [communities or sub-lemmies].) > > But, we actually have a technical problem. How do these individual reddits find each other? How do they know the other ones even exist? They could be on servers on opposite sides of the planet, with random web addresses. Obviously we can't just guess. So, okay, let's let users solve this for us via crowd-sourced labor. We don't have to find all the reddits for them. Let's just design the system so that the reddits only find out about each other after any random-ass user introduces them to each other. We'll call this batching, they can do it with the reddit search bar. Then, we'll wait for that random-ass user to actually subscribe to any new sub/community over there, which they'll only do if it's any good. Once this is done, now the two reddits and that one sub become connected, not just for that user, but their whole reddit userbase too. The rando doing the search and subscribing simply introduced two good reddits to each other. Now that they know about each other though, they'll share content back and forth freely, with comments, votes and posts all being visible to both reddits. Let's call this "federating with each other". It's not too different from neurons in the brain reaching out to each other, really. > > (To find and connect the disparate, scattered reddits into our over-reddit, we use crowd-sourced labor.) > > Well, that's it. That's the Lemmy-verse. But what about this Fediverse? Well, okay, remember what we did with reddit, and giving it a third tier of over-reddit? Let's do the same exact thing with twitter, facebook, youtube and every other thing we can pull out of our asses. Let's let all of them share and access each other's content with the exact same structure and system, so now you, hanging out in your reddit, can get all the tweets too. We've made a fourth tier now. The Fediverse, which is most comparable to the internet itself, and includes the Mastadon-verse, the PeerTube-verse, etc etc. > > (Why stop there...? reddit is chump change, let's just do this to everything.) > > So, that's it in a nutshell. That's how this shit works. And the next time someone says it's like email, I'm going to climb through their computer screen and smack them. It's only like email at that technical, "trees" level, and when you go up to the more intuitive "forest" level, this just serves to confuse the ever-living hell out of everyone. > > (I'm a bit of a dick.) > > One last detail: Admins can whitelist (allow-list) or blacklist (shadowban) other Instances/servers. As an example, one of the other largest Instances has blacklisted (shadowbanned) us here at, because we were producing too much spam. As a result, until they undo this, all of us here are shadowbanned from their Instance/server. We can see their content, they can't see ours. This enables them to control how much connection they have to the rest of the Fediverse. > > (Let's not forget to give admins the power to stop people from other places bothering them, if they do not approve of the content. Very important feature.) > > Sources: > > > > > > Again, if I've made any errors, regardless of how small, please let me know below. This is intended to be another reference material for lay-people, so accuracy is important. However, outside of major errors, I will not be editing this post to correct it, as I would prefer any corrections to be delivered from the full perspective of someone's individual expertise, instead of being translated into my own words. > > (I don't actually know what I'm talking about. Scroll down for people who do.) > > Hope this helps. > > edit for grammar/cleanup

  • cross-posted from:

    > As this technology becomes more accessible you can only imagine the possibilities. I dont have a machine fast enough to make this worth it but i might fuck around with it.

  • So, now that rarbg is gone, where do you go for new releases (movies)?

    Check the comments on the cross posted location

    Some good sites and suggestions. Radar is the most interesting

    cross-posted from:

  • Lemmy Community Seeder (LCS) - For pre-populating the "All" feed GitHub - Fmstrat/lcs: Lemmy Community Seeder (LCS)

    Lemmy Community Seeder (LCS). Contribute to Fmstrat/lcs development by creating an account on GitHub.

    GitHub - Fmstrat/lcs: Lemmy Community Seeder (LCS)

    cross-posted from:

    > When launching a new Lemmy instance, your All feed will have very little populated. Also as a small instance, new communities that crop up may never make their way to you. LCS is a tool to seed communities, so your users have something in their All feed, right from the start. It tells your instance to pull the top communities and the communities with the top posts from your favorite instances. > > How to run manually and in docker is included in the repo. > > Let me know if there's anything anyone needs it to do and I'll see if I can fit it in. I'm going to work on a "purge old posts that are unsaved and not commented on by local users" first, since small instances are sure to run out of disk space.

  • Reddit is in danger of a death spiral

    Can Reddit survive as its volunteer workforce close down subreddits and walk away from the site in protest at the management's new policies?

    Reddit is in danger of a death spiral

    cross-posted from:

    > > Huffman has said, "We are not in the business of giving that [Reddit's content] away for free." That stance makes sense. But it also ignores the reality that all of Reddit's content has been given to it for free by its millions of users. Further, it leaves aside the fact that the content has been orchestrated by its thousands of volunteer moderators. > > touché

  • How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)

    How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse) écrit par Ploum, Lionel Dricot, ingénieur, écrivain de science-fiction, développeur de logiciels libres.

    How to Kill a Decentralised Network (such as the Fediverse)
  • Should the Fediverse welcome its new surveillance-capitalism overlords? Opinions differ!

    cross-posted from:

    > Should the Fediverse welcome its new surveillance-capitalism overlords? Opinions differ! > > > > Contents: > > \- Two views of the fediverse > \- The case for "Trust but verify" > \- Wait a second. Why should anybody trust Facebook, Instagram, or Meta? > \- Why the Anti-Meta FediPact is good strategy > \- We're here, we're queer, fuck Facebook > \- A few words about digital colonialism > \- Now's a good time for instance admins to discuss with their communities > \- In chaos there is opportunity! > > #fediverse #Meta #FediPact

  • c'mon

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    > re-post from

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