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  • Being a part of the CORTEX IMPLANT community is honestly the best time I've had on the internet πŸ₯°

    Being a part of the CORTEX IMPLANT community is honestly the best time I've had on the internet πŸ₯°

    You're all so nice, and wholesome, and I actually feel like I'm interacting and getting to know you a bit.

    Like, on Reddit (my previous main social media) communities were more anonymous, and it was fun to see posts from people with similar interest, but here it's more personal.

    This post by @5tern1, just yes \<3


  • CORTEX IMPLANT Merchandising

    Hey chooms,

    I've come up with a crazy idea and maybe you chooms would like to do it.

    We have now built a small-large loyal community around CORTEX IMPLANT and experienced many fun things.

    What do you think about the idea, if there is merch for the Meatspace besides our thousands of Fediverse websites?

    I was thinking about t-shirts and other stuff you can wear.

    We already have logos and other images made for our various networks and these could be perfect to use for t-shirts.

    Unfortunately there is one small point which could be taken negatively. Since it is very expensive to pre-produce t-shirts I would solve the whole thing via Redbubble.

    I am aware that Redbubble is not perfect. But it offers me a cheap option to offer the t-shirts and has the advantage that it is available almost worldwide. If someone knows an alternative, let me know.

    Worldwide shipping and print on demand would be important.

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