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Casual Perchance

  • [Community Events] Re-vamping the Community Events on the Perchance Hub

    I've mentioned this on another post, but I'll create a new thread to hear other opinions.

    I'm proposing to have the Community Events on Perchance Hub be hosted on this Lemmy Community.

    To accomplish this, the Forms tab on the Perchance Hub would be changed to Events tab. It would host the Event posts from this community.

    That is, anyone can post an Event thread here and it would be mirrored on the Perchance Hub. > Technical Notes: The posts here would be retrieved (via the Lemmy API) and the posts would be filtered to events only. The Event posts will then be parsed and neatly displayed on the Perchance Hub. This would mean that the posts would have a template to follow.

    This is so that anyone is welcome to create Events and those Event makers would be the ones who will manage their own events (no longer needing to wait the Perchance Hub update).

    This way, there could be different events running, managed by different people, with different topics, event types, and limitations/rules and to update the details on the Perchance Hub, the event creators can just edit the event posts and it would reflect on the Hub.

    Not yet sure about what details would be on the Perchance Hub. But something like @BluePower's Upcoming Events Page might be a good format/structure to remix with (although the comments plugin on each event on Perchance Hub might not be used since the Event Post already have a comments/thread to talk with). > Technical Notes: The mirrored details can probably include a cover image, ability for the creators to change the colors on the Hub, specify if it is an 'image' event, 'generator/page' based event, etc., so the formatting on the Hub would be nice.

    In Summary:

    • Community Events will be hosted in
    • Events are now hosted/managed by Event Creators
      • The posts would have a (somewhat strict) template to nicely structure them on the mirror on the Perchance Hub.
      • Events can simultaneously ran by different people, with different topics, event types, limitations or rules.
      • Events can be updated by the Event Creator
    • Event Details and Content / Template Format is not yet decided
    • Format in the Perchance Hub is not yet designed.

    Additional Notes:

    • With this, I might remove the 'announcement modal' on the hub upon first visit (or when there is update to it) to remove the clutter.
    • Might also implement a dark mode to the Hub. (will require quite an overhaul on the hub page)
    • Might dynamically add the Event's banner on the Home Page for each event (with the most recent and about to end event on the top).
    • I currently do not have a stable internet so these changes might take a while to implement xD
  • Made a BluePower Template thing.


    uses a modified BluePower AI Background Template where I removed the button and made the main thing a tabs. Would have used PowerTabs but could not make them transparent.

  • Place for Older Copies of Generators

    Throughout the time, there have been a reasonable number of copies of popular generators made across the entirety of the generators on Perchance, whether it's for testing purposes or it's just an accidental cause. And it's no exceptions for popular generators like beautiful-people, power-generator-manager, ai-chat, text-to-image-plugin, and a lot more.

    But, what if I would tell you, when you revisit those copies that were created back in the days, they can actually turn into a piece of history on your generators? Yep, at first when you recently caught these copies, you might go pretty crazy because they don't give credits or so, but as you update it over time, change the code structure, the UI or something, these can turn into basically snapshots of older versions of your generator!

    I just found a lot of older copies of my Power Generator Manager lately, mainly:

    •, which was created just over 3 weeks ago. Probably a copy with the closest version number to the current latest one on the original, which is, whilst the copy is on version
    •, created around 3 months ago, which was a bit older with its older UI. Now since this is in the 2.0.14 update, this one copy derives the version number directly into a separate generator, so you'll see the latest version number on that copy.
    • This one was created just 10 days before the previous copy, which around the time I'm about to hit the 10.0k views milestone. It also has a custom-named URL too, and a step of downgrade to the 2.0.13 update, which still pulls the version number straight from the generator manager itself.
    • Created in November 2023, a month before I ultimately get back to the Perchance community. It caps on the slightly older version from the one that appears in the previous copy, and it's kind of buggy, for some reason.
      • This one though appears to be modified, with the Collections, Plugins, and the Templates section missing from the left sidebar.
    • This copy was created on November 2022, a year before the previous copy was made, when it still had a very old UI, with a completely different layout. This gives me kinds of flashbacks when I'm maintaining this generator hub page at just this very point of time.

    Try searching for your generator online, and if you happen to find older copies of it, please feel free to post them here!

  • Generators from the Previous Generator Jams in the Hub (Event names included!)

    Here I will add generators that have had participated in previous Generator Jams all the way from the January event. I might add more generators as new Generator Jams/Events starts/ends, but here we are.

    April (Fun and Games)

    March (Button? Button?! Buttons!)

    February (Mad Science)

    January (New Beginnings)


    📝 Changelog

    The dates are based on UTC time (so for example, if it is 24 April at 1:00 AM on a UTC+7 time zone, it is still 23 April at 6:00 PM on a UTC time zone).

    23/04/2024: Now includes generators from the April Generator Jam

  • Created new restore point inside 429 Too Many Requests errors

    I don't know about this one, I just find this so funny and occasional that I had to take a screenshot of it. 😆

    Btw, that "Created new restore point" thing is from my own Perchance restore points feature I've recently put work into.

  • Tournament 4: Failed Mascots

    topic: Failed Mascots. Corporate or sports, either works.

    Post one of your Perchance creations. 1 entry per person.

    • 1 point for each upvote
    • 1 point for the fav of the previous winner
    • 1 point for each of the last two entries

    previous winners:

    Starting 4/20/24, ending 4/27/24

  • I found something special about this generator thumbnail...

    Yep, it's the navigation bar. They used to appear in generator thumbnails very often back then, but this one seems to retain its legacy... While the rest of the thumbnails choose to remove the navigation bar entirely, this one still keeps the navigation bar within the screenshot, even if the generator shows the latest revision.

    It even has the updated "ai-chat" thing 😮

  • Everything made with the Power Minigen Template Power Minigen Template ― Perchance Generator

    Make a small and cute generator with this template. It's really small, and even fits on a narrow-screened device like a smartphone!

    Power Minigen Template ― Perchance Generator

    I made a place where you all can submit generators made specifically with this very small template. Let's see how creative you are! You can make almost anything, including a game or even an entire AI image generator out of it. Be sure to keep it clean and appropriate! 😉

  • Checking backlinks from the most popular generators

    I just did some backlink checking on some of the most popular generators, and there are estimated 353K different backlinks on the ai-text-to-image-generator with 122 unique linking websites. No wonder it got a few thousand views every single hour and has a massive !7351.8 thousand views in total.


    ai-character-generator, having about 2/3 of the total views as ai-text-to-image-generator, has 154 backlinks and 67 linking websites


    ai-chat has more backlinks than ai-text-to-image-generator have, though it only has 19 unique linking websites.


    ai-photo-generator, pretty surprisingly, has only 94 backlinks and 45 linking websites. Though it has over 2 million views as of this post.


    I also don't forget about beautiful-people, although not as popular as these AI generators I mentioned before, yet. I also checked VioneT's ai-generated-realistic-portraits, X2X's text2image-generator, and Cocell's ai-chat-modern.





    Although the ai-generated-realistic-portraits don't have any backlinks, the generator still has 33.7k views until now, and that's because I guess people are viewing it more from the search results. And that applies the same with all the generators I mentioned.

  • Google Analytics


    just got google anarytics hooked to my site and will see in 48 hours what it says.

  • Guidance Scale

    First in the Official Tutorial Series: Guidance Scale

    Keeping everything except Guidance Scale the same, let's see what happens! Starting at Guidance Scale 1


    Guidance Scale 3


    Guidance Scale 5


    Guidance Scale 7


    Guidance Scale 9


    Guidance Scale 11 (posting 2 to show music notes starting to appear)

    ! !

    Guidance Scale 13

    ! !

    Guidance Scale 15 (becoming colordistorted)


    Guidance Scale 17


    Guidance Scale 24


    This is basically Guidance Scale :)

    Some pictures start out surprisingly fullform at Guidance1 and some not. Some become distorted as low as 12 and some can go up to 24 without issue. If you want a picture more Strong, up the Guidance Scale. If you want a more mystical feel, lower the Guidance Scale. Simple as that!

  • Bookified version of my Power Generator Manager

    Found this little button on my browser: ! and when I clicked it, it magically brought me to the Reader Mode showing the contents that my generator hub page could potentially display.

    I have transported all the content in this page created from a completely blank generator page.

    So you can apparently turn certain generators into a "bookified" version of it that you can read on digital papers.

  • Place for the Weird Pics

    for when you are doing your normal generating and get that unique, not planned one that isn't what you are going for but so unusual you have to save it. Well here is where to post them

    "Rule for posting in this thred any nsfw must be labeled and hidden behind spoiler :)"

  • [link] Did you know: there is a larger weekly contest

    here on a way big ai art community. Beware tho it is bigger than Perchance and you may need to upscale to compete. (i didnt even use Perchance on my entry this week because i wanted higher definition)

    come join tho its fun!

    and anyone know any other places to compete our art like this?

  • [gallery] some beautiful-people Pics

    maybe i will post a few pics per day. yeah I wonder how we amp up the casualness and amount of people posting!

    ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  • Tournament 3: 3 Choices

    Due to a threeway tie for first lastweek, we have three topics to choose from!

    • Rejected Pokemon Designs - Rejected designs for Pokemon in the next new Pokemon game.

    • Otherworldly Artifacts in Video Game Icon/Thumbnail Style with Lore (Can be Sci Fi or Fantasy Themed) example example

    • TV-Series or movies from an alternate reality. The challenge is to create your own spin on famous movies and/or television series using Stable Diffusion. Each contribution may include up to 3 images. Example: What would an episode of television series X look like with different theme , in a different time , or in a different place?

    Post one of your Perchance creations. 1 entry per person.

    • 1 point for each upvote
    • 1 point for the fav of the previous winner (3 this week and can’t choose self)
    • 1 point for each of the last two entries

    previous winners:

    Starting 4/8/24, ending 4/15/24

  • Some thoughts about the Generator Jam on Perchance Hub

    Just thinking when the new Generator Jam will be released and how people will react to the current buttons event that is still going on (as of this post).

    Now, someone might visit the hub or the generators page (because of the card) and going to say, "where's the neww jammm??!?!?" (but that's my own speculations). But in reality, I actually don't care if the new Generator Jam releases on the 1st day, or even on April 6th and so forth, because I believe there's no need to rush in order to release something new, just keep in their own paces. (note to myself)

    What do you all think? And what's your current proposed theme for the new Jam?

  • Rgba eye color

    dose any one know of a way I can get the ai to read and understand rbga color shades

  • As the dazzling rings of blue light appear within a very absurd timed space, the light sphere from a big star illuminates around, creating a giant beautiful, phenomenal event in a random moment.

    Have been experimenting with the "M" button in beautiful-people that I've initially curious to see what it could do.

    And here are some more images that I got with this feature:

    ! !

  • Pony Diffusion Score_9 for anyone generating anthros and ponies

    read this to improve your Anthro images

    Looking back at VioneT's Guide on image prompting I came across where long ago i had come across the model underlying Anthro, Furry, Dryad, MyLittlePony and basically anything furryish, which has a very distinctive art style on Perchance. I had come across this peculiar post which explains that, instead of words like masterpiece, Pony Diffusion pictures were rated with words score_9, score_8, etc with score_9 being 'the best'. I see in Vionet's guide that this was quoted in so I doublechecked tonight now that I can seed correctly.

    I believe we are using this which is why our anthro pics are so good.

    here is an image starting with the word score_9

    ! pretty good

    now here is a score 4 ! notice it is more jagged and more like an amateur illustration but still decent.

    But, and this I read from someone on civitai, the best results they were getting was to include not just score_9 but score_8_up and score_7_up because that made the group of pictures that were being drawn from big enough that the variation in some way made it 'healthier'. and here is when i had the, according to them, correct prompt for optimal Pony Diffusion pictures:


    and i agree, this one does seem best.

    so the prompt starts with: score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up,

    and the antiprompt starts with: score_4, score_5

    your welcome.

    when i run for world president vote for me

    enjoy :)

    (only works with Pony Diffusion aka anything with the anthro style on perchance)

  • is the highest possible seed 4294967295?

    Quick question. In searching a few minutes on what the maximum seed number is that we can use, I came to an internet post saying 4294967295. anyone know if this is correct or if there is another number?

  • what is : in prompts?

    hi i just got a really nice seed experimenter page up on my main generator and am realizing i want to make some things in prompts focused even less than weight of 1 (if that's a thing), which I believe has to do with :

    i've seen : used. anyone know what it is and can please help?

  • prompt to get stain on "casual photo"

    Hey all, new to this and pretty amazed at the quaity of the text to photos I’m getting. Working to create players on a baseball team. What is way to add grass stains or dirt from sliding to a uniform?Only a little dust shows up no matter what I prompt, and usually there’s nothing. Doesn’t seem to want to put a stain on white pants, lol. Any ideas? thx

  • A "happy birthday" sign of the Generator Manager

    Today, I was about to update the preview version of my hub page for a very small update I made to the news and updates stuff and saw this little thing over here. This will appear on the generator hub page once every single year, and it only lasts a day.

    I didn't even know at first that my generator hub page has just turned 2 years old and it's been 2 years exactly since it was made. 😄

    This is where it all began. My very first iteration of the generator hub page, that has ultimately become the most popular generator page I've ever made, not just generators.

  • Someone from 2021 needs a hunger games simulator plugin

    this is the most ancient, as far as i know uncompleted, quest i have found yet on Perchance. If completed, whoever completes it will receive good fortune and one miraculous event irl the following month. !

  • Tournament 2: Offbeat Superheroes

    This week’s topic is: “Offbeat Superheroes? Y’know, those “C” list Superheroes, like in Mystery Men."

    Post a generator output or anything else created with Perchance. 1 entry per person.

    1 point for each upvote 1 point for the fav of the previous winner (can’t choose self) 1 point for each of the last two entries 1 point for a backstory blurb for the superhero winner gets to choose the theme.

    previous winners:

  • Messing a bit with the hierarchical world generator

    Although it is supposed to be an example generator, I find it still kind of useful to make some sorts of fun and interesting worlds. Especially if I toss in some long, weird prompts that results in worlds like this:


    (try making your own and expand it as deep as you can!)

  • Beautiful-People

    When I first entered Perchance I duplicated the t2i, then realized naming artists was important and, on my second generator got a list of 800+ artists and also got out of t2i so I could control things more finely. Then, to sift the 800+ artists for those with styles I like, I made Love and Light which, while clunky compared to Beautiful-People, does, if one gives dislikes and likes on the 4th and 5th images, eventually synthesize those 800+ artists in to just favs. Finally with 'artist combos' that look good, I started saving them to my own 'fav artistlist list' and, with that, made Beautiful-People.


    And people do look good.

    Also spiritually I understand Bhakti, where a believer focuses on Lakshmi (or whoever) to become them. Or in Christianity how one would focus on Jesus to become Christlike. Similarly with images of people. So I inherently don't sexualize people and I only give them positive characteristics. I basically surround myself with good romodels. Beautiful-People reflects this.

    Also I initially started a version of Love and Light to collect Landscape artists but did not get very far in. So Beautiful-People is specialized in People and for landscapes is nonideal.

    After the huge complexity of my previous generators, I wanted something that would FEEL good and be basically 'click button get beautiful images' so it is centered around this concept.

    Eventually I upgraded my plugin for the prompt box with tons of libraries with customizeable names and colors. I also believe the best tools are fully customizeable by the wearer and may be made to be fully aligned with their own unique energy.

    If you want to see a huge mass of interweaving perchancescript for prompts, touch the edit button. Also alot is built on my own plugins and objects. I have toyed with the idea of making a nice duplicateable framework like t2i. But Beautiful-People is not that. It is duplicateable, but I made it powerfully instead of to be easily built on by others. The artistcombos also are 'my fav artists' in the ratios i like because of how Love and Light works (and more artistcombos, which are more and more tuned, enter daily). This means the images Beautiful-People generates a year from now will be higher quality than the ones generated today. I believe in Growth, Scaling, and that learning to play the strongest lategame champion is the best strategy because then one only needs to learn how to survive to lategame and they become one of the top players in the game. So generators structured to scale up over time are basically where it's at, according to me, allo.

    have a great day all :)

    next things coming on Beautiful-People:

    • fey option
    • customizeable generation buttons for people to make their own styles like i do

    things i want or need:

    • StableDiffusion XL
    • StableDiffusion 3
    • Upscaling
    • Inpainting
    • the gallery background to be black instead of white. i did try styling it but scrolling reverts styling to white.

    edit: now with Meow button

    The Meow button shows as an M in the lower right of generated images. This takes you to the Meow screen where you can mess with this specific picture. Most recently I got this nice but doubleeared pony.

    ! so i touched the M button, generated, and got other versions of her that were better.




    Now with this M button, all those pictures that just have something wrong with them even tho they have a great part are salvageable. Hard to overstate how cool this is.

    I also like this pony but she has two horns.


    so i hit the m button and typed 'one horn' at the end of the prompt


    she is even facing a different direction now, but notice how it is the same pony with one horn.

    4/8/24 now with customizeable prompt buttons

  • The View Counter Experiment generator cover 🖥️💾

    Hello. Been exploring this community for a while and I think it's a good idea to post some occasional dumps about some of my generator-y stuff here.

    Back in a while I posted this image on my Mastodon account for my The View Counter Experiment revival (basically an experiment-ish and playground-ish generator that I made), showing an old computer in an abandoned office room with screenshots of some Perchance generators. This was an AI-generated image from X2X's image generator, upscaled and then edited by myself.

    Btw, here's the original, unmodified image if you're wondering:


  • Fusion Image Generator 🔸✨📝🔰🔹 (perchance t2i-generator)

    Link to the generator :

    What is it?

    A T2I generator to which I have added prompt switching + various other modes on both the prompt and the negatives.

    Note the the public image gallery for this generator is NSFW

    I have added sampling that can be enabled/disabled or appended to an existing prompt for every new generation.

    I have yet to make the HTML for the generator which is why I am using the t2i-framework plugin for now.

    The interface is confusing right now, but the generator is configured so that a user does not have to change any settings (apart from maybe the dataset used) to get things to work.

    The big datasets includes the 47K CLIP tokens , 63K unique search words for the NSFW dataset (general category) , and randomized selection of 30K unique tags from danbooru sites from the sd-webui-tagcomplete extension.


    As in the normal image generator , you can press the dice 🎲 to get a number of tokens from the selected dataset.

    As an additional feature , sampling of tokens can be done automatically by selecting the 🔀,✏️ modes at the bottom

    CLIP token dataset

    Sampling includes 47K CLIP tokens ordered by rarity (frequency by which these words appeared in the training data) and if they are a prefix-token or a suffix-token.

    Suffix tokens have a trailing </w> symbol and are the "normal" tokens, e.g "car</w>" , "banana</w>" , "happy</w>".

    Prefix tokens lack the the trailing </w> and will give new properties to existing tokens when placed next to them.

    If you wish to invoke a single prefix token in the prompt you can write #prefix# , e.g "photo of a #prefix#banana" to see how this works. Tokens from other datasets can be invoked in a similiar manner.

    The #prandom# sampling is done by pairing together a random prefix-token with a random suffix-token. This is useful for randomizing stuff.

    ✳️ Prepositions

    Prepositions are stuff a user writes between things in a sentence.

    Take the prompt "A photo of a cat on a table" and it becomes "photo cat table" without prepositions.

    SD 1.5 was trained on interpreting stuff written as sentences , so adding some prepositions can sometimes be good.

    Other times (for exotic tokens or for the #artnsfw# dataset) , the prepositions can make the image more boring.

    You can set the % rate for which a preposition will be placed between sampled tokens.

    Getting started

    For new users: just write something in the Main 📝 field and hit generate.

    Should things get too confusing/overwhelming you can open the generator in incognito-mode to get the default settings.


    That's the TLDR of this generator that I made.

    If you can ignore the confusing interface , you can have a lot of fun with it.

    It works really well on mobile as you don't have to type anything. You can just hit "generate" and it will randomize automatically.

    Current status / help

    Currently I'm trying to get to grips with the tagcomplete #artnsfw# dataset , and the other datasets.

    There is a problem where the generator will sometimes reload when on mobile.

    I need also some more options for the ✨Base prompts.

    Additionally , I'm thinking about changing the image gallery at some point.

    Preferably to an option where users don't have to dump everything (NSFW and non-NSFW) into the "Public" folder in order to be visible, e.g have buttons that a user can click that will change the shown gallery.

  • why so long neck

    these are lolzy. was getting longneck people so

    now my antiprompt literally includes: "(long neck), ((extralong neck)), very long neck, " and still got this image

    maybe wrapping something in the antiprompt in () makes it happen instead of not happen? she clearly has an ((extralong neck))

  • Beginner's Guide to making a prompt

    This is some helpful infomation that will help you use image genteratior

    You can emphasize the prompt through parentheses; Example: 'red hair' in prompt: red hair = not emphasized (red hair) = emphasized ((red hair)) = more emphasized

    Random selection Sometimes you'll just want to randomly choose between a few items, and creating a whole list just for that isn't desirable. In this case we can use some "curly bracket" like this {Red|yellow|blue}

    Use the Negative prompt to tell the ai what you don't want in your image

    Image seeds (This is not used often, so don't use it if you determines the don't understand it.)The seed image. Same seed plus same pronmpt equals same image. This is mostly useful for replicating images or making slight edits because Same Seed + Similar Prompt = Similar (seed:::xxxxxxxxx) You can find a more detailed guide hear

  • The game of slime

    Game of slime let's see what we can get the ai to do so lets have slime girls do stuff sfw please also try to include your prompt so we can learn to refine the prompt to tell the ai to get what we want

  • Tournament 1: Unusual Creature

    I think weekly tournaments would be fun, and this week's topic is: Unusual Creature

    Post a generator output or anything else created with Perchance. 1 entry per person.

    • 1 point for each upvote
    • 1 point for the fav of the previous winner (can't choose self)
    • 1 point for each of the last two entries

    winner gets to choose the theme.

    previous winners:

    • none yet
8 Active users