I wonder how many times it takes for shit like this to blow up in their faces and they end up living in an unregistered van down by the river before they realize it doesn't work.
I think so. When I was 16 and bought my first car I didn't have enough cash left over to register it so me and a buddy decided to push it home to avoid "driving" without registration. We got stopped by the cops who told us it didn't matter if it was running or not... if it was on a public road it had to be registered.
Mind you, this was in Canada so I don't know if that's the case everywhere.
The cop was pretty cool about it. We told him we were just going to push it to a friends house down the street so he didn't ticket me but warned me he didn't want to see us doing it again. As soon as he left we hopped in the car and took off lol.