1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
1% rule: 1% of users actively create new content, while the other 99% only lurk.
a.k.a. the 90–9–1 principle. Does the Fediverse follow this rule, or are there more creators here as early adopters? Are you a creator, a participator or a lurker?
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I dont mean to be a lurker but i have nothing interesting to post. All the juicy stuff in my life is stuff that id rather not make pubic.
24 0 ReplyGo on...
J/K, we're glad you're here friend 🙂
5 0 ReplyI drank a glass of lemonade last weekend. Thats kinda juicy i think. :)
2 0 ReplyYou ever had a lemon shakeup from like a fair? That shit's the bomb.
1 0 Reply
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