you fuckers are all over my active feed and I'm laughing at shit I don't understand. I refuse to believe the show is this funny, but if, say, a friend wanted to prove me wrong, what incarnation of star trek would they tell me to start from? especially if they knew I hadn't seen a single episode.
I really wish I could get into TOS, it’s charming. George Takei and Nichelle Nichols were amazing in it. But yeah I’m gonna start with TNG when I get to it. Old tv was so episodic it was rough
TNG is a great place to start too! It's more matured and gets into the philosophy of trek more thoroughly. Although, fair warning: it's pretty episodic as well. Like TOS, there will be a handful of characters that show up every so often or events that change things, but most episodes' stories wrap up within the 50min runtime.
In both cases, it was largely so that people could watch stuff out of order back then and not feel lost.
I would watch the hell out of this for Star Trek or Futurama. The only way I can think to make it work would be building my own media server, and I just haven't taken the leap yet.