In the 90s, before the social media and Google existed, it was customary to create your own home page. My page was about koalas. I was really into koalas. I had a crush in the digital art class, and she made her page about Hanson (a boyband). I remember feeling jealous about the attention they were getting hehe.
It was all about getting on a good web-ring. I had a few sites across Geocities, Tripod and the like, but getting on a good web-ring brought the best traffic. Don't forget to put a visitor counter on the page, and a cursor trail will impress everyone. This advice brought to you 25 years too late.
Hehe of course I had the visitor counter! It's essential like the under construction text/gif! I think my main page reached nearly three digits in its' life time, and I was happy about it. These days I get that many likes on a single post in social media at good days.