Do you pirate? And do you justify pirating? i.e., what is your piracy philosophy?
Well, my friend, he's kinda poor he can't afford some books and some streaming services, so he pirates. He pirate books, audiobook and videos and other stuff. Sometimes he buys books he likes a lot out of loyalty to the author (yeah, I don't understand it either), he likes to read physical books, but yeah, if he hates the author or just wants to skim through it, he will download the book.
He usually doesn't like to pirate from small companies or professors who are trying to make a living by selling books, but from millionaires & plenty of mega corps which already have loads of money, he feels like it's the right move to pirate
Also, have you ever noticed that you have felt that the value of a product has decreased just because you didn't pay for it, thus you are less interested to read it? i.e., had you paid for the book, you would have more likely read that book.
He says he will buy stuff when his time is more valuable than money, let's all hope that day is soon.
Copyright is fucking wierd and an anomaly. It has only existed very recently in all history. Part of the reason we have the works of Shakespeare is due to the fact that there was no copyright then, so taking a part of someone else's work and rehashing into something new was common and innovative. Disney do this with old folk stories, but then they get to "copyright" it? It's abhorrent. It stifles further creativity. Take that horrible weirdo TERF who wrote some wizarding shit. She would have done very nicely without copyright protection. It's not needed. So-called "piracy" is just normal behaviour. Nothing wrong with it.
Disney's copyright is on their version of the story not the story in general. You can make a Snow White movie using the names for the dwarves that Disney did not originate but you couldn't use their character designs for example.
back in the 90s people would tape songs off the radio, and it was a common and cherished figment of culture -- but if you told someone today you were recording off spotify, it's perfectly likely they could think it was some sort of copyright fraud. [hell, it might be!]
what exactly is the fucking danger of not having copyright? would anyone willing to spend $20 on the official copy suddenly just buy a random bootleg for $15? you'd probably trust the proper company, and if anything build a better reputation having better quality than random fly-by-night shops