Pauper staples for the top 8: DCI Promo Counterspells, Dust to Dusts (the Dark), Mental Notes (Judgement), Snuff Out (Mercadian Masques), Krark Clan Shamans (Mirrodin), Lotus Petals (Promo 30th Anniversary), Boosters, and goodies like sleeves, deckboxes, playmats, sets of tokens, vouchers to print full proxy decks
Thank you! This is a Pauper tournament, so all cards in my deck are commons from throughout magic history. I play black-red-green called Jund Wildfire.
Oh I've heard of Pauper! That deck looks great, Nyxborn Hydra definitely seems scary 👀
I only play EDH at the moment, but I'm interested in trying other formats for sure. I play a white/blue precon called First Flight which I've slightly upgraded and tweaked to focus more on life gain, as well as a red/blue deck I've put together with Magnus The Red as commander, focusing on token creatures and dealing damage to all players whenever I cast spells! I'm pretty new to the game 😅
White-Blue flyers is sweet, I have fond memories of my Sephara, Sky's Blade standard deck. EDH is cool because you can really tweak slowly your decks. Other formats usually have their own fixed list and you need to invest a lot to make a complete deck. At least in Pauper the individual cards are pretty cheap, you can get a complete deck for the price of a single chase-mythic