I know some petrochemical engineers, analysts, and a tribologist. I asked them about exactly this. Their responses, to a one, is: the oil will not run out; it will just become too expensive to extract. Now, I'm just some jerkwad on the internet, and my anecdote is only that.
Yep. There's a lot more oil in the ground than oil we could pull out at today's prices with today's technology. And then with competition from cheaper renewables you have the question of if prices can stay this high forever, or if demand will go down sharply while the supply remains.
The end result is still that you get a peak oil production at some point, though.
As far as I can tell, the contingency plan is to continue pushing places like Dubai as a tourist destination and business hub. And, honestly, as long as that place continues to function as a major regional air-traffic hub, that might actually work.