MILWAUKEE—Growing more despondent as each turn brought them no closer to a conclusion, an exhausted group of friends was reportedly coming to the realization Friday that they had been playing the board game Wingspan incorrectly for the past six hours. “Wait, were we supposed to have set up these goa...
Though this is satire, we've all had that experience where we played a game (many times, even!) and only found out later that we got the rules massively wrong. Share your experience!
So legacy games are like a campaign you play over a series of sessions. Each session is it's own game that lasts several hours. So you play a game, then next time you play it, it continues from where you left off, but with a bunch of changes (you open new packets and such). In pandemic each of these sessions are named after a month, so they were on the 11th session of the playthrough.
Yes thank you, i have done both pandemic legacy and betrayal Legacy so far, i just wondering how long many actual days but in hand time, so just saying November could have never just the date November 2024