He's right. USA demanding payment is BS, after all Ukraine got rid of nuclear weapons with assurence of security. USA was a part of that assurence. Same goes for all European countries that backed that deal. You signed it, now stand by it no matter what.
I always find it fascinating when a whole bunch of people all start saying the same wrong thing about something.
I posted below a link to Wikipedia explaining what actually happened with this. I feel like the game of me disagreeing with this person is just going to get swallowed into an expanding tide of people arguing and insisting on things. Read the article.
Also, it just makes financial sense to help the Ukrainians defend their country. Hear me out.
The US hasn’t had a peer or near peer war in a long time. This gives a huge amount of data to better use the pentagons funding.
They can allocate more money to drones and anti drone systems, test out new equipment and see if it’s worth continuing to invest in and see how these systems truly stack up against their counterparts and learn from them.
That said, US military funding is fucked and we spend way too much on it. Even if we had a smaller budget, it still makes sense.