PSA for instance admins: new joiners are not shown posts in all languages. Please pin posts about this potential issue, or find another way to explain it to them
Seems like new joiners don't automatically get all the languages displayed, as it used to be. For, they only had French. Is this something that can be configured admin-side?
Update: a fix should be available in the coming days
Languages, lemmy's weakpoint. Most of the time it's left at undetermined for most new users, so i have to keep my posts undetermined so others can see it; it's a vicious cycle.
It's really messy, especially with the new wave of people coming here. Lemmy made good progress since the last wave, but this should really be addressed.
Hey, if you want, I have made a Firefox add-on to automayically remember your last selected language in your posts and comments and auto select it next time! Give it a try! It doesn't really improve much but it's still something!
That sounds good :) i've already got my languages set but beginners may not know. If i encounter one with this issue i'll link your extension. Thanks :D
It's actually not to set your account languages (like the options in your user settings) but to set your post and comment languages, instead of always being "unspecified" by default now it' picks your prevoius language picked on your last post or comment!