I keep saying it’s a rollback to before August 18, 1920 but very few people seem to think that kind of backsliding is actually possible. It’s Handmaid’s Tale. For real real.
Here's a theory: I don't think they feel strongly, most of them, that women shouldn't vote. And I think whatever level of performative outrage they profess, the actual process of deporting millions of people who didn't actually do anything wrong will be alarming and off-putting to them, and they'll try not to think about the reality.
The common thread that means that they adhere to these things, that makes them feel "right" when proposed by their leaders if not when put into action, is that if you're stronger than someone, you can do whatever you want. They can't do anything about it. You can tell someone "you can't vote" or "get out of the country, it's mine" or "take off your face mask" or "let me see your genitals so I know you're actually whatever gender" and they can't do anything about it. They have to do it, because you're on the team that gets to say that stuff, and if not, then someone will come along and fuck them up.
That resonates on a deep level with them, and they really like it, enough to overlook some stuff that would otherwise make them uncomfortable.
I’ll add, deportation is not the goal. They will be temporarily housed in a location where they will need to work off their deportation cost, which will include a daily fee that is less than they can “earn” per day.
The end goal is to replace China with local manufacturing at “slave wage”